Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1158 is coming to the capital

On the second day, I found some women in the village who were unable to do heavy work due to physical reasons and could only make ends meet at home, and gathered them all in the main room, gave them fabrics and a lot of cotton. , let them help make the work clothes.

Because Murong Lingran was in a hurry, he said that the wages were paid according to the number of pieces, and the wages were also high. The women were very motivated.

At night, when most of the people fell asleep, the light in the study of Ning Anhou was still on.

Fang Shunian stood in front of his father-in-law and respectfully explained the situation in Murong's house.

Hou Ning'an said expressionlessly, "They really accepted it?"

Before Fang Shunian could speak, Fang Hongsheng became anxious: "Grandfather, what we said is true. If you don't believe it, you can call Murong Zhe for questioning."

The Hou of Ning'an frowned, "Murong Zhe?"


Fang Shunian glared at his son: "You are a junior, how can you directly call an older person by name!"

Fang Hongsheng was startled, but he didn't expect that he would make another mistake in front of his grandfather. With a panic on his face, he hurriedly admitted his mistake: "No, it's Uncle Murong, I was wrong. If you don't believe it, you can send someone to call Uncle Murong. , to testify in person."

The Marquis of Ning'an snorted coldly and said angrily, "Next time you dare to let me hear that you are disrespectful to Murong Zhe, I will definitely take care of you!"

"Grandfather, I won't dare anymore."

"Don't dare to be the best." After Ning'an Hou finished speaking, he looked at Fang Shunian again: "You are a father with more vision and experience than your son. What to do and what not to do in the future, you should teach them well. Teach them. Today is Fang Hongmao's luck. If you meet someone as kind as the Murong family, if you change someone else, what you see today is Fang Hongmao's body. If you don't want to lose your son, please discipline him well. Next time If this happens again, your Fang family, leave the capital."

Fang Shunian was startled, his business would definitely be over when he left the capital, and he hurriedly assured: "Father, don't worry, I will do what you said and promise not to let them do it again!"

Ning'an Hou said: "I hope you can do it, get out."

The father and son said at the same time, "Yes."

As soon as the two walked a few steps, they saw the housekeeper hurriedly approaching. After salute to them, they hurriedly walked in front of the Marquis of Ning An without waiting for their response.

"Master Hou, the two Murong family members are coming back soon, and they will be in the capital in less than a day."

The Marquis of Ning An suddenly stood up and was about to say something, when the father and son of the Fang family turned to look at him, and roared: "What are you still standing for? You want to inquire about this Marquis? If you want to hear it, why not? Just stand there and listen!"

The two of them trembled at the same time, said a word not dare, and quickly retreated.

Seeing this, the housekeeper blamed himself a little: "Master Hou, will they be bad for the family again when they heard it?"

The Marquis of Ning'an sneered: "If they don't want to live, just do it. Regardless of whether Murong Zhe is my son or not, if they dare to take action again, I will never show mercy this time."

The housekeeper nodded and handed the urgent letter from Donghai Mansion to the Marquis of Ning An.

Marquis Ning An looked at it at a glance, frowning even tighter.

Seeing this, the housekeeper worried: "Master Hou, are things different from what we thought?"

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