Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1188 You are not the master

He is Murong Liang's younger brother, so he naturally believed what his elder brother said.

Mrs. Liu has treated Murong Zhe badly since she was a child, as if Murong Zhe was not her son, how could she have a good word for Murong Zhe in her mouth?

Although Murong Lingran was a little more daring, the starting point was all good, all for the sake of the family.

The Liu family must have treated their family harshly before, and made them feel angry. Murong Lingran was young and it was normal to hold grudges.

Others also looked at Murong Lingran, but after all, they all had less experience than Murong Yang, and they didn't know Liu's. In addition to what Murong Lingran said just now, they believed Liu's words more in their hearts.

From their point of view, Murong Lingran was so young, and it was impossible for him to have the ability to earn a fortune for the family. Murong Zhe said that because he loved his daughter so much and did it on purpose.

Murong Lingran looked around at the expressions of the people present. From the current point of view, this Murong Yang was a reasonable person.

His two sons, so far, seem not to be bothered by what they say.

It's just that this little grandma from Hu He Township and their six grandchildren are a little bit at a loss for words.

Although they all apologized obediently and admitted their mistakes just now, but there is a bit of sincerity in it, only they know it.

At this moment, because Murong Yang's family had been rushing for several days, yesterday they had to travel all night in order to get back quickly.

The others were fine, but Murong Shang and Murong Fei took turns driving the car overnight, they were already exhausted, and people started yawning constantly.

Seeing this, Murong Zhe already knew what he should know, and said, "Let's talk about it today, the uncle's family has also come to the capital, and there will be opportunities to meet in the future. What you have to do should hurry up and finish it early. , go back to rest early."

Murong Liang glanced at Murong Yang's family and saw that they were all exhausted. He knew that everyone had been working hard all night, especially the driver, whose eyes were so sleepy that he could barely open his eyes, and said: " Ayang, you said just now that you are going to find a shop in the city soon, in my opinion, let's take it easy."

"I think A-Shang and A-Fei are also tired. It's still some distance from the city. If you're looking for a shop, if you're unlucky, you might not be able to find it for a day, and your body will be exhausted. I'd better go to my house first. Take a break."

Hu Hexiang also heard from Murong Zhe that they had split up just now, but now seeing Murong Zhe driving people away in person, Murong Liang also said to go to his house, and seeing Liu Shi knowingly asked, "Sister-in-law, before you came, Didn't you say this is your home? You brought us here directly. Why did your eldest son let you go home to rest? Don't you live here? Don't you have a house here? Also, we sat down After so long, what about your youngest son's family? Why haven't you seen anyone?"

Liu's face stiffened. Seeing that she was still asking this question, she said uncomfortably, "My eldest son and the younger son have separated. I live with the younger son and don't live here."

Hu Hexiang suddenly realized, yin and yang strangely said: "No wonder you couldn't control the people of this family just now, so you are not the master."

As soon as she came in, she was sitting on her mouth like a hostess, but she was stunned for a while, and she didn't expect to be pretending.

I liked dressing more than ten years ago, and I like dressing more than ten years later, and it has not changed at all.

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