Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1228 Give each of you a knife

The shop is small, and the road in front is blocked, so I can only leave from the backyard.

She still has the drug and the knife that her father gave her. If there are people in the backyard, she can deal with it herself.

When Xue Tongrui saw that Murong Zong was alone, he supported more than a dozen of his people. From time to time, one of his people fell down, but Murong Lingran wanted to escape from the backyard with them, and immediately wanted to go and arrest her.

Just as he was about to touch her clothes, there was a sharp pain in his hand, and when he looked closely, there was actually a bone-deep wound on his hand.

Xue Tongrui's whole body was shaking in pain, and he was breathing rapidly, "Murong... Murong Lingran, you... how dare you hurt me?"

"Why don't you dare? You want to hurt me and my relatives, do I still have to sacrifice you?"

"You!" Xue Tongrui gritted his teeth and said, "come here, catch her for me, or die!"

The brawny man closest to him nodded, holding a sword and wanting to stab Murong Lingran.

Murong Lingran smiled coldly, and before the man turned around, there was an extra knife in his hand, and he shot straight at the man's chest.

Hearing a grunt from the man, he closed his eyes and fell to the ground.

In an instant, everyone stopped moving and froze involuntarily.

Except for Murong Zong, everyone else's eyes widened in astonishment. They never thought that a little girl Murong Lingran would be so ruthless, so she could easily end a person's life.

Especially Murong Yang's family, it was the first time they saw Murong Lingran make a move, they were shocked and couldn't say a word for a while.

Feng Xiaohua and Zhao Rongrong couldn't help but take a few steps away from Murong Lingran, and even touched their chest, for fear that Murong Lingran would suddenly remember what they had said to them in the main room that day, and if they were unhappy, they would stab each of them.

When Murong Lingran saw that the shop was quiet in an instant, she took out a box from her satchel with a smile and opened it to show them. Everyone saw that there were two rows of knives neatly placed inside.

Compared with the hilt of the fallen man, it was exactly the same.

Murong Lingran took three knives in his hands, and said with a light smile: "As long as you are not afraid of death, go ahead, there are still twenty-nine knives here. With my big brother covering me, I can give you one knife each."

It was given to her by the ninth son a few days ago, so she temporarily packed up what Brother Jiahuai sent, and it came in handy today.

Xue Tongrui quickly regained his senses, glanced at the man who fell to the ground, forcibly restrained the pain in his hand, and said with a gloomy face: "Murong Lingran, you are so cruel, you actually killed my man like this, Do you know that murder is a violation of the criminal law?"

Murong raised an eyebrow, murdering? Does she look that vicious? Although the man was injured in the chest, she completely avoided the key point, and fell to the ground only because her father's drug was so powerful.

Criminal law? He now knows that there are criminal laws.

Although the death of that person was also her own fault, and she could get away with a gold medal, but the two younger brothers were still young, so she would not kill people in front of them.

But he thought she killed someone, and she didn't want to explain it. She just explained it to her brothers later.

"I'm cruel?" Murong smiled and said, "You've overdone the prize, she wants to kill me, I can only fight back, a person who wants my life, do you think I'll be merciful? I'm just self-defense, in terms of the degree of cruelty, Naturally, you are not as ruthless as you who want a little girl to break her leg for no reason."

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