Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1230 Lord Hou is here


Xue Tongrui said impatiently: "If you don't do it now, I will reward you with two hundred big boards when you go back!"

The strong men shook at the same time, and the two hundred large boards would definitely kill them.

If they don't listen to the master's words, they are dead. After listening to this, they may have a chance to survive, so they immediately made a choice, "Yes, son."

After speaking, some of the strong men immediately fought with Murong Zong again, while the other part prepared to attack Murong Lingran.

What Murong Lingran said just now was not to scare them. Seeing that they were not afraid of death, the three knives in their hands quickly shot at each other.

Bang Bang Bang, three more people fell to the ground.

It's just that these people were trying to guard her this time, and they didn't shoot her in the chest, but there was still a drug on her knife, and she fell to the ground instantly.

The strong men thought that three more companions had died, and their eyes were red with anger, and the action of attacking was a bit more ruthless.

Seeing this, Murong Zong didn't intend to be merciful anymore. He was about to solve them quickly when he heard a full-fledged voice from the door: "Stop!"

Everyone suddenly stopped and looked at the sound, and saw that the door that had just been closed had been opened, and a man in his forties was standing at the door, with more than a dozen people behind him who were well-trained at first sight. 's guard.

This shop was originally in a bustling and lively place. People passing by outside seemed to have a lively look here, and they also surrounded the shop not far away, looking at them curiously.

Xue Tongrui was holding a handkerchief and simply bandaging the wound. Hearing the words, he stepped forward and said, "Where is the old thing, don't care about the things you shouldn't care about, or I will kill you!"

"What kind of thing are you, how dare you talk to me like this?"

"Why don't I dare? I know all the famous people in the capital, so what are you? I'm dealing with my own personal affairs, and if you know the situation, get out of here immediately!"

"It's so arrogant. I'm really just an insignificant person. Since you think you have an extraordinary status, that's fine. I won't tell you. I'll ask my master to tell you."

After the visitor finished speaking, he vacated the most central position and shouted to the outside: "Master, they don't give me face, it seems that you are the only one who came out in person."

As soon as his voice fell, everyone saw an old man who was older than just now, but full of energy, got off the carriage outside and walked towards them quickly.

Murong Lingran and Murong Zong were overjoyed when they saw the person coming. It seemed that the outcome of today's incident was already obvious.

Seeing that Murong Zong relaxed his guard, Murong Shang asked curiously, "Eldest nephew, do you know this person?"

Murong Fei also said, "Eldest nephew, is this person a high official?"

Murong Zong nodded: "Well, don't worry, with his old man there, nothing will happen."

The three of them didn't deliberately lower their voices. The people around them heard it and thought it was a high-ranking official known by their brother and sister, or a high-ranking official higher than this Xue Tongrui's father, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

"How dare you gather a crowd to fight under the emperor's feet? You are so bold!"

After the visitor finished speaking, he beckoned, and a group of guards came in quickly from the outside, controlling all the strong men.

Xue Tongrui saw that the person who came was of extraordinary momentum, and at a glance he could see that he was a superior who was accustomed to giving orders. Although he was flustered in his heart, he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

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