Aunt Jiang saw her extremely determined look, and glanced at the eldest princess' courtyard, her brows furrowed even tighter.

Is it really as she said, except for the girl, the other three are members of the clan, and they all have the hope of taking over the title?

When Lord Hou brought them here, he actually wanted them to get in touch with the eldest princess, so that she could choose a child she liked?

Suddenly feeling that there was no movement around her, Aunt Jiang turned her head and saw that Aunt Li was getting further and further away from her.

Forget it, not afraid of 10,000, just in case, she would hurry to find out the identities of those people, so as not to cut off her grandson's future.

After so many years of planning, if they are taken away now, they will be depressed to death.

On the other side, the four brothers and sisters came to the door of the eldest princess' house. As soon as they entered the door, they felt a hot air coming, and there was a faint scent of sandalwood.

Murong raised an eyebrow, this room was really warm.

Taking a general look at the layout of the house, it is indeed the house of His Majesty's aunt today.

Although the colors are extremely deep, but combined together, it gives people a very comfortable feeling.

After walking a few steps inside, the taste changed again, and she was wondering when she saw two pots of flowers that she couldn't name blooming under the wall.

Although it is winter, the temperature in the room may be high, which has no effect on them. Instead, they are extremely energetic and extremely bright.

And Princess Qihua sat on the soft side next to her, her legs were covered with a quilt, and there were some fruits and snacks on the small table next to her.

Seeing them coming, the eldest princess smiled and said, "Azong, Aran, Xiaoliu, you are here, come here quickly."

The three nodded at the same time, quickly walked to her side, and began to salute: "Your Highness Wan'an."

"You don't need to be too polite, and there are no outsiders, so don't be polite." After the eldest princess finished speaking, she looked at Murong Yi beside them, and said with a distressed expression, "This is the brother you just found, right?"

Although Murong Yi was a little nervous in her heart, she had a calm expression on her face, and obediently bowed again, "Your Highness, Wan'an."

The eldest princess smiled and said: "Good boy, let's all sit down, I just had someone set up the charcoal basin in advance, so I sat around the charcoal basin, and there were tea and snacks next to it. It's easier to take off the cloak."

Murong Lingran wanted to take off her clothes as soon as she came in, her palms were sweating all the time, but it was too rude to take off her clothes without saying a word, so she has endured until now.

As soon as the eldest princess's voice fell, Murong Lingran said, "Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness, then we should be respectful rather than obedient."

After he saw a maid walking towards her, he immediately handed her the cloak.

The others followed suit, taking off all their cloaks and handing them over to the servants closest to them, and then sat down obediently.

Marquis Ning An asked while they took off their cloaks, and sat beside the eldest princess, and said seriously, "Madam, why did you get off the bed?"

The eldest princess smiled and said: "Master Hou, don't worry, seeing the children, my illness is more than half cured. Moreover, the room is warm, I also cover a small quilt, it's not cold at all, don't worry about it. already."

Ning Anhou knew what she was thinking, and said helplessly: "Okay, but if you can't hold on, you must say it, but don't force it."

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