Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1260 Another fire place

As soon as they came to the backyard, they saw Murong Zhe and Xiao Manan with their two younger brothers standing in a safe position, nervously watching the burning place. The second and third brothers were also standing beside them, protecting them.

And her eldest brother, the people from Huwei Escort and the villagers who came to help are anxiously putting out the fire.

After counting carefully, seeing that her family was safe, she turned her head to look at the location of the fire. For the time being, only Murong Ding's house was on fire, and the other houses were fine, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that his daughter and Helian Rongjiu came back together, Murong Zhe hurried forward and said, "Aran, Ninth Young Master, you are back."

Murong frowned, "Father, Mother, are you all alright?"

Murong Zhe nodded, "It's alright, thanks to your brothers and the people from Huwei Escort, we can be safe."

"Peace is good enough."

Helian Rongjiu glanced at the burning place, raised her eyebrows and said, "When we were on the mountain just now, we saw that the burning place was not only your home, but if I remember correctly, the other place was your grandmother. home."

Murong Lingran and several brothers looked at each other at the same time, Liu's house was actually on fire?

how is this possible? Wasn't Liu's doing what happened today?

That's right, Murong Xuan and Murong Kuan also suspected that the Liu family did what happened today.

When Murong Zhe heard that his parents' house was also on fire, he didn't care about anything else, and walked directly to the door.

Murong Xuan went over to have a few words with the eldest brother who was fighting the fire, and then followed with his third brother and his mother.

Murong Lingran also wanted to see how the Liu family's situation was, and was afraid that her parents would be bullied. She couldn't help much here. Seeing that the fire was already under control, it should be extinguished in a short while, with black hair on it. And he and Helian Rongjiu went to Liu's place.

The situation of Liu's house being set on fire was much worse than they expected. It was sunny today and there was no snow in the sky. Many people went out to work, and Murongliang and his grandchildren also went out to work, but they didn't find out in time.

When the fire started, only Liu, Chen, and Murong Qi were in the house. The first place to catch fire was Murong Xue's former house. When the two found the fire, they were too late to put out the fire. They were worried that the fire would spread to other houses. Murong Qi lifted it outside.

But Murong Qi couldn't move for a while, and he was in a bad mood every day. Every day, he was arguing about Liu's need to eat meat, so his weight was also increasing, and it took them a long time to move people outside.

By the time they wanted to put out the fire, it was too late. The fire had spread from Murong Xue's house to the whole house, and it was too late to try to put out the fire.

The three of them seemed to be frightened. There was wind today. The villagers who found out later were worried that the fire was too big and would be dragged into other people's houses by the wind, so they took the initiative to help them put out the fire.

When Murong Liang and his grandchildren came back, the fire was almost out. Of course, his house was almost burnt too.

You don't have to go inside to see that everything inside is burnt.

As soon as they came back, Murong Zhe's family also arrived.

Seeing that Murong Zhe's family rushed over in a hurry, Mrs. Liu glanced at the younger son, but didn't say anything for the time being.

Murong Qing looked at the smoking room, her face full of disbelief: "Isn't it fine when I left in the morning? Why did it suddenly become like this?"

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