Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1269 Liu is here

The man said: "Nothing, I was beaten like this when I was a child. I have nothing to do. Go ahead and don't delay work because of me."

"All right."

Murong Lingran also stepped forward and said a few words of concern. Seeing that he was really fine and in good spirits, he went back to the kitchen.

Helian Rongjiu and the three brothers Murong Zong went out for a trip. When they came back, the breakfast was ready, and everyone sat at the dining table. After waiting for them to return, they immediately sat at the dining table and ate.

Just halfway through the meal, the door was knocked.

Murong Kuan received his father's signal and got up to open the door for the man himself.

After a while, Murong Kuan didn't come back, but Mrs. Liu led Mrs. Chen and Murong Xue into the courtyard slowly.

And behind them, there are also strong men dressed as six little servants, as if to protect her safety.

When everyone saw the person coming, they all stopped eating at the same time.

Murong raised her eyebrows Lingran, thinking of the farce at the door just now, she sneered in her heart, she really couldn't wait, she didn't want to wait any longer.

Murong Zhe frowned, "What are you doing here?"

After speaking, he looked behind them and said, "Where's Ah Kuan? Didn't he open the door for you? Where's the people?"

The three of them didn't speak for a while, and their eyes were all on the two tables opposite.

Seeing that there were two tables of people in Murong Zhe's house early in the morning, when they came in just now, all of them were talking and laughing, and their faces instantly turned extremely ugly.

They were clearly members of the Murong family, and they should be the ones sitting there, but at this time they were only watching, which made people really angry.

Liu's eyes were fixed on the dishes on the table. She was really an unfilial son. There were fish and meat on the table early in the morning, and there were many dishes she had never seen before, just meat porridge was good. several.

And she just stood here and smelled the smell, and knew that those things must be delicious, something she had never tasted before.

As an elder, she only ate two eggs and a little gruel this morning, so she wasn't full.

Murong Zhe's family eats so many good things every day, and they don't know how to send some to her house. It's really hateful.

When she looked at the table next to Murong Zhe, the food on that table was exactly the same as the food on his table, which made her even more mad.

These should all be hers, hers!

Chen's and Liu's thoughts were similar, but maybe it was because they had suffered a lot from Murong Lingran's hands before, so they didn't dare to say anything for the time being, but they looked at Murong Lingran with resentment in their eyes.

As for Murong Xue, although she had seen a lot of good things in the Ministry of Officials, but looking at the delicious food on the table at this time, her face was instantly contorted, and her eyes were even more crazy with jealousy.

Obviously he is her uncle, he should treat her well, he should be like in the Imperial Physician's Mansion, he should think of her when he has anything delicious, but now he is allowed to eat at the same table with outsiders, which is really abominable. .

She had never seen most of the food, even in the Office of the Minister of Officials.

The uncle is really confused, what is the use of those good things for outsiders to eat? Will they remember you? It's better to give them food for their relatives, and be nice to them.

After a hundred years, maybe their juniors will give him two sticks of incense and burn some paper money because he is an elder, so that he can live better underground.

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