Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1280 Seven Orifices Bleeding

Liu Shi panicked when he heard the words, his face was extremely calm, and he said, "Of course he knows."

Helian Rongjiu interjected: "Don't lie, if he knew that his own son was killed by you, he would have divorced you long ago. How could Murong Qi be born? Do you really think we are as stupid as you?"

Liu Shi was startled and frowned, "This son, you... how much do you know about my family?"

Helian Rongjiu smiled lightly and said, "I know everything I should know."

Liu shi gritted his teeth and said with a sullen face: "It seems that you came just right today, and it happened that it was right for you to solve it together."

After speaking, he looked at Murong Xue again: "Axue, why hasn't this medicine worked yet?"

Murong Xue said, "I don't know either. That person said that if a person takes it, he will bleed to death in a quarter of an hour."

"A quarter of an hour? It's almost half an hour before they eat, so there shouldn't be any problem with the poison, right?"

"No, weren't they all weak when we came in just now? We've all seen it. Maybe they took too little dose, so they delayed the poisoning."

Liu Shi was worried that the longer the time, the more accidents would happen, and he said with a gloomy expression: "No wait, just throw them all into the well and drown them. When they are dead, you will be divided into two groups, and one group will report to you. Officer, a group of people went to inform Lizheng, just say that we found their whole family drowned when we came. Now outsiders know that I am still Murong Zhe's mother, the mother of those children, so they should also doubt it. not on us."

"Even if we stayed here for a long time before going out, as long as we said that we didn't see anyone when we came in, it took a long time to find everyone in the well. Just bite yourself to death without knowing anything."

Murong Lingran sneered in her heart, it was really stupid, and she didn't find that this excuse was full of loopholes.

Murong Xue hesitated for a while, then glanced at the people on the opposite side. Seeing that they were all looking at her as if they were dead, she involuntarily took a few steps back.

After all, she had never killed anyone with her own hands, and she was still a little nervous when she heard that grandma said she would drown them all alive, and said anxiously: " grandma, then... then listen to you."

Although Chen Shi was also a little scared, she thought that she would be able to live a life of fine clothes and jade food again in a few days. She was overwhelmed by the money and immediately said: "Auntie, I also listen to you."

Liu Shi suddenly looked at Murong Lingran and sneered: "This dead girl is the most hateful, and she loves to oppose me the most, come here, just kill this dead girl for me first, I want her to take a good look Look how great I am!"

Kang Da Yu, who was behind her, immediately sent two of his men over when he heard the words.

Murong Zhe watched the two getting closer and closer to his daughter. Seeing that the others were doing nothing, he thought that what he had just thought was wrong, and hurriedly said: "Aniang, no, Mrs. Liu, after all, she is the one who you are watching. The eldest granddaughter is just a child, how could you have the heart to kill her."

Xiao Manan also said: "Don't kill my daughter, kill me if you want to, let me die instead of my daughter!"

Liu Shi sneered: "Last year, I was willing to let her die. How much embarrassment did she give me over the past year? How many guilt? I remember it clearly. Only when she died first and made you suffer, my heart is happy!"

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