Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1318 see her joke

It happened again the day before yesterday. Although the three of them were free, they didn't have much money with them when they were taken to the prison. They ate two meat buns each when they came out yesterday, and they didn't eat anything today.

Murong Liang swallowed his saliva and stopped being polite to Murong Lingran. After saying thank you, he walked over and started to devour it.

Murong Qing and Murong Cai were also very hungry, so they followed their grandfather to eat.

While they were eating, Murong Lingran went out to persuade the villagers who were watching the fun to leave. After all, it was a family scandal, and she still didn't want to be laughed at by others.

She still had a good face in the village, except for some people who were unwilling to leave, the others left obediently.

For those who were unwilling to leave, Murong Lingran didn't give face, and closed the door with a slam.

Seeing that there was no liveliness, the man could only complain in a low voice and leave.

When Murong Lingran walked back, Murong Zong also came back.

Murong said: "Big brother, what did Dad say?"

Murong Liang's grandfather and grandson also stopped eating. Seeing that Murong Zhe didn't follow him, they thought he had been disappointed with them and didn't even want to see each other, all of them looked lonely.

Murong Zong told Murong Zhe's plan, but temporarily withheld some words.

Murongliang knew that this would be the outcome, and sighed: "Since A-Zhe wants to confirm whether what we said is the truth, let's confirm it, and we will take you there."

Murong Zong nodded, let the third brother stay at home, and explained some things to the people of Huwei Escort, asking them to protect the family, and he went to the backyard to lead the carriage.

Murong Lingran also wanted to go to find out. Seeing that the second brother also got on the carriage, he also suggested to go.

Murong Zong had no choice but to agree to her.

Once in the city, Murong Zong personally went to the street to find four doctors and brought them to the government prison together.

Liu shi was lying on the haystack looking at the roof in a daze. Hearing that the prison door was opened, he hurriedly turned to look over.

Seeing that Murong Lingran came, he immediately forgot the pain in his waist, and began to sarcastically: "Yo, the eldest lady of Murong's family is here, I don't know what kind of wind is blowing today, but it actually brought you here. Place, did you do something bad and get caught?"

Seeing Murong frowning, the more Liu thought about it, the more he thought it was possible, and he began to laugh, "Haha, I knew, how could a scheming person like you make so much money for your family in just over a year. Money, it must have come from a wrong way, it seems that God has eyes, and you have been punished, haha...haha..."

Murong Lingran sneered: "Retribution? Don't worry, I'm fine, I just heard that your waist was broken, so I came to see your tragic condition, I'll leave later, this place is more suitable for you Yes, not for me."

Murong Qi also wanted to speak, but he really had no strength, just glanced at the person who came, and turned his head away.

He also knew that they were prisoners now, and Murong Lingran knew people from the royal family. If they offended her, they might die before the day they were exiled.

Liu's face changed, the dead girl was actually here to see her jokes. Just as she was about to say something, Murongliang stomped on her leg.

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