Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1340 Blame Liu Guli!

After saying the last word, she froze all over and collapsed to the ground.

Shi Gaoyang was stunned for a moment, seeing a lot of blood flowing from her body, guessing that the child should not be able to keep it, and heaving a sigh of relief.

The matter was resolved suddenly, Shi Gaoyang thought of her curse just now, and wanted to turn around and leave, but seeing more and more blood under Murong Xue's body, if he just saw her, something happened to her, and I'm afraid it would be implicated. on him.

In desperation, he had no choice but to send someone to inform the head of the cell and ask the doctor to diagnose and treat her.

Just as he expected, the doctor gave Murong Xue medicine after the diagnosis and treatment, saying that the child was not saved, and asked him to mourn.

Moreover, the mother's body is extremely weak, and she needs to take tonics every day, at least for a month, otherwise she will become weak and die.

But even so, it would be difficult for her to be a mother again in her life.

Shi Gaoyang didn't expect that Murong Xue would really say it. After thinking about it for a long time, he said to the servant, "For the sake of her making this young master happy, starting tomorrow, let's give her tonic every day."

The servant said: "Young Master, she said that to you and your family just now. You are so kind to her, it's not worth it."

Shi Gaoyang said: "I know it's not worth it, but didn't you hear from the doctor that she would die if she didn't drink the medicine? She can die any way, but she can't die because of the absence of my child. I don't want to have any more trouble with my reputation."

The servant suddenly realized: "It turns out that she is short-sighted. But you didn't ask someone to inquire that she will be released from prison in half a month. What about after half a month? Do you still need to send it?"

Shi Gaoyang said: "You don't need to worry about it after half a month. After that, her life is not in danger, and with what she has done, even if she goes out, it will be difficult to appear in everyone's sight again. I don't want to have anything to do with her anymore. , it has nothing to do with me whether it is alive or dead."

"Okay, son. What if she doesn't want to drink it if she knows it was from you?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't drink it. Anyway, you can give it every day. If it spreads out like this, this young master has done her best to her."

"Little one understands."

After the two finished speaking, they took people out of the prison.

What they didn't know was that Murong Xue opened her eyes as soon as they left, touched her stomach, and couldn't help crying, "Woo woo woo... woo woo woo..."

With this child here, she thought she would be fine, and Shi Gaoyang would definitely save her, but she didn't expect to be so unfeeling towards her and the child.

She can never be a mother, so what's the point of her life, it's better to die immediately.

If I knew she wouldn't listen to Grandma's words, otherwise she might be fine now. After the child is born, she will be able to turn over completely in her life.

It's all my grandma's fault, no, it's all my fault Liu Guli!

Liu Shi and Murong Qi's husband and wife were brought back from the torture. They saw her crying and heard the person in the next cell say that her child was gone. They looked at her lower body and saw a blood stain.

But they couldn't bear the pain themselves, they didn't say a word of concern, ignored her, lay on the straw and began to rest, waiting for Murong Qing and others to arrive.

Murong Xue saw that they didn't care about her in the slightest, and the hatred in her eyes grew a little bit more.

Only Mrs. Chen, although she had a problem with her head, did not forget her instinct as a mother. Seeing her daughter crying, she crawled forward to comfort her regardless of her injured body.

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