Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1343 Liu's Shock

Seeing his son say the same thing, Liu Shi couldn't say anything anymore. Being too oily was indeed bad for their health at this time.


Liu Shi suddenly looked at Murong Cai: "You said that the family built a wooden house? You mean, after half a month, we will be distributed, and you will stay in the capital?"

Murong Cai knew that they didn't know that the verdict had been changed, and he didn't plan to say it. He nodded and said, "Yes, we won't go to Saiyuan Mansion, we will continue to stay in Lihua Village."

Before Liu Shi could speak, Murong Qi excitedly said, "If you don't go, what will the three of us do? No one will take care of us. Even if there is a prison car, we will definitely freeze to death."

Three of them, two can't walk, one is crazy, and the crazy one can take care of himself.

Murong Xue had just had a miscarriage again, and she always resented the last time he lied to her and wanted to sell her to a brothel.

When she was at home before, she was not very filial. She was a heartless person. She would definitely not care about their family.

Murong Cai said, "This..."

Murong Qing was afraid that her brother would leak his words, so she interjected, "Dad, talk about it when you both leave."

Liu said loudly: "No, you must go with us, otherwise we might as well die in prison now, and you don't have to give us medicine."

Murong Qi also agreed: "Yes, anyway, sooner or later you will die, it is better to die here, at least there is straw to cover here, and there is no rain or snow, no wind, it is better than being frozen to death in exile Good way."

Chen Shi didn't understand what they were talking about, and began to babble: "Now, if you don't take medicine, you will die."

Murong Xue couldn't help but give them a blank look, the two trash can't stand up, now they are demanding others for food, drink and Lhasa, where did they get the confidence to say such stupid things in a commanding tone!

Murong Qing and Murong Cai looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Murong Cai packed up all the medicine bottles, stood up quickly, and said, "If that's the case, then I'll listen to you. Thank you for saving us money on medicine, so that our future life will be better."

"If you all die, perhaps the uncle will not embarrass us because of the fact that you are already dead."

"It's dark and cold here, and it's not suitable for us to stay for a long time. Let's have some porridge, and we'll leave after we finish eating."

Liu Shi and Murong Qi were stunned, they never thought that Murong Cai could be so heartless towards them.

Especially Liu Shi, thinking that she used to think about him wholeheartedly before, but she didn't expect to get these words in the end, and she felt very sad.

It is better to die than to live, keep the green hills, and are not afraid of running out of firewood. At this time, the two of them are afraid that they will really run away, and they can't think about other things. I said what I just said."

Murong Qing and Murong Cai knew that they would say this, and continued to give them medicine.

After taking the medicine, he gave them vegetarian porridge to drink, cleaned up the dishes, cleaned up the filth on their bodies, changed their clothes, and said a few words to them before leaving the cell.

After a long while, after the guards who were patrolling left, Murong Xue saw that Mrs. Chen was asleep, and tied her to the far corner of the cell with her weak body.

Liu Shi and Murong Qi couldn't sleep because of the pain in their bodies, and they couldn't do anything while lying down, so they could only talk to divert their attention.

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