Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1345 Liu's Death (2)

"What do you mean?" Murong Xue mocked, "I laugh at you being stupid, laughing at you being deceived by Ah Qing all the time."

Liu Shi frowned and said, "She lied to me? What did she lie to me?"

Murong Xue said: "No, you were not only deceived by her, but also deceived by Murong Lingran. You don't know yet, the salary Murong Lingran gave her has always been the same as the other adult villagers in the village."

"What Murong Lingran said is because of her young age, only half of it is given to her, in fact, because she knows that no amount of money given to Ah Qing will reach her, but she just doesn't want to give the money to you, it's cheaper for you , let you have a good time."

"The rest of the silver, Murong Lingran has been helping her save it, waiting for her to give it to her when she gets married."

"What?" Liu's eyes widened suddenly, and she said in shock, "What you said is true? Is Ah Qing really lying to me with Murong Lingran?"

Murong Qi also said: "Xue, don't wrong your sister, she is not as cunning as you."

Murong Xue said coldly, "Wronged? Well, I swear, if I wronged her, I'll have to die, okay?"

Liu asked again, "How did you know she hid the money?"

Murong Xue said, "She has a habit of talking in her sleep since she was a child. She didn't close the door when she slept. I woke up in the middle of the night and went to the toilet to hear it."

Hearing this, Liu Shi was immediately angry, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, Murong Qing, this wicked girl, I knew that she was pretending to be honest, but I didn't expect that she was playing tricks on me last year. She hides fifteen texts a day. , ten days is one hundred and fifty cents, and one hundred days is fifteen hundred cents.”

"I heard that after Murong Lingran established the shop, she even gave everyone extra wages, and she usually gave welfare silver or something during the holidays. She probably has nearly ten taels of silver in her hands."

"The family's conditions are so poor that she dares to hide the money and selfishly leave a way out for herself. Especially last year, after the family lost the money from the casino, she was so poor that she actually watched us worry about the money and didn't take it out. See how I teach her when she comes tomorrow!"

Murong Qi also said: "That's right, she hasn't married yet, and every coin she earns should be given to her family. Now eat our food, use ours, and dare to hide money and play tricks with us, I will scold her tomorrow. A bloody dog!"

Liu's eyes rolled, and he suddenly smiled, "But it's good that she hid the money. With this money, if she goes to Saiyuan Mansion with us, then our life will be better."

Murong Qi thought that the money was enough for them to live a good life for a long time, and he smiled when he heard the words: "Yes, and these are Murong Lingran's money, if she knew that it would be used on us, she would definitely be angry to death. ."

Liu Shi smiled and said, "That's right, haha, Murong Lingran still helped us in the end, haha...haha..."

Seeing that they were so proud, Murong Xue said coldly, "Do you think Murong Lingran is a fool? You have done so much to her family. If Aqing asks her for money, you don't need to think about it and know that some of it will be used for you. , do you think she will give it?"

"Looking at how Ah Ching brings us vegetarian porridge every day, she just said that she has no money to buy meat, and she and Brother Ah Choi have also lost weight recently, getting more and more haggard every day, you know what she eats every day. It must be very bad, you don't need to think about it to know that Murong Lingran didn't give her that money at all."

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