Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1384 Rong Xinyuan

"Her name is Rong Xinyuan. She is the eldest daughter of General Rong's mansion and my cousin. Behind her is her cousin, the daughter of General Rong's younger brother, Rong Xinlian."

Murong Ling suddenly realized that it was the granddaughter of the Marquis of Ning'an, and she really looked like Mrs. Rong. She glanced at Rong Xinlian coldly, then turned her head and said, "It turned out to be Miss Rong, she really knows the book. Li, if you have the demeanor of everyone's young lady, you don't have to go to the door to thank your parents in person. You can do it if you have the heart. As for your cousin, it's fine. I have a big heart, and the bright moon is in my arms. For the sake of her young age, look For the sake of her being your cousin, and for your brother's sake, I don't know her in the same way."

Rong Xinlian was instantly angry, her appearance, height, everything looked bigger than Murong Lingling, she was scolding herself, obviously older than her, but not as sensible as her younger age? tolerant?

And what she meant in her words was that if it wasn't for her cousin and cousin's face, she wouldn't let herself go today?

It's just a little girl's film, where does she have the courage to say this!

"Murong Lingran, you..."

"Rong Xinlian!" Rong Xinyuan saw her expression of impatience again, and interrupted her immediately, saying with a stern face, "Did you ignore what my sister said?"

"Cousin, I am your cousin, your relative, and your playmate who grew up with you. Why have you been helping an outsider to teach me a lesson since she appeared?"

"I'm a helper, not a parent." Rong Xinyuan sarcastically said without hesitation: "I can't make people think that the people in General Rong's mansion are just as unreasonable as you."

Although Meng Erzhuang and Yu Yongyan were young, they were smart and understood what they had just said, and they also spoke up to protect Murong Lingran.

Meng Erzhuang pointed at Rong Xinlian and said angrily, "You are such a bad person, but even though my sister helped you, you actually repaid your kindness. It's too much. I hate you."

Yu Yongyan also said: "But elder sister is a good person, I don't allow you to treat her like this!"

Rong Xinlian clenched her fists when she heard the words, and even the two children were protecting Murong Lingran, and she couldn't scold them back.

Otherwise, it was passed back to the city, saying that she cares about the two and a half children, it doesn't matter if she loses her face, it would be troublesome if she loses the face of the Rong family, and she was so angry that she could only stare sullenly. With a glance at Murong Lingran, she closed her mouth reluctantly.

Rong Xinyuan said, "Miss Murong, I'm really sorry."

Murong said: "You don't need to apologize, you did nothing wrong."

In order to change the subject, Princess Ningxin smiled and said, "Miss Murong, do you still remember me?"

Murong suddenly thought of her identity and struggled for a while, but still didn't give her a salute.

Since Ninth Young Master doesn't want to reveal her identity, she also pretends not to know, so that she can feel at ease.

"Remember, you are Ninth Young Master's younger sister. Listen to him call you Xiao Ning."

Princess Ningxin saw that she still remembered herself, her eyes narrowed happily, "You still remember me, yes, my name is Xiao Ning, you can call me that in the future."

"Okay, Miss Ning."

Princess Ningxin nodded in satisfaction, looked at Big Bird again, and said, "Miss Murong, thank you for helping us today. If something happens to me, my mother will definitely die of grief. I'm really grateful."

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