Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1391 Conjuring

For a time, everyone didn't have the strength to speak, just sat around the fire and looked straight at the beating flames.

The air suddenly quieted down, and there was only the sound of the cold wind whistling outside the cave, and the sound of someone's stomach growling.

Murong Lingran glanced at Princess Ningxin, Rong Xinyuan and Wei Yushan, then at Meng Dazhuang and Yu Yongyan, raised her eyebrows and said, "Are you all hungry?"

Princess Ningxin nodded: "Well, but it doesn't matter, it's not easy to find food now, everyone just bear it and go."

This person has a really good character, much better than King Qi and Young Master Jiu.

As a princess, it is rare to be so considerate.

Murong Lingran was also hungry. Although she didn't want Rong Xinlian to eat her food, it was not good because she let the six of them follow her to starve, and she didn't want to make too much trouble to eat, eyeballs. As soon as he turned around, he took out two small grapefruits from the bag, and then took out a large bag of jerky, and also took out the leftover buns at home this morning.

Of course, I also took out one of the roast chicken I bought some time ago.

"If everyone is hungry and don't dislike it, let's eat these for the time being."

Everyone was looking at the flames in a daze to save their physical strength, and they didn't notice what she did.

Turning her head to look, she saw a lot of food suddenly beside her, and her eyes almost fell in shock.

Princess Ningxin was stunned and said: "Miss Murong, you... are you able to do tricks? Why did you suddenly have so much food?"

Conjuring? The princess really guessed it by mistake, and she was almost like a conjurer.

Rong Xinyuan also stretched her neck in shock, and said in surprise, "You brought all these?"

Murong Lingran didn't mind what they said, and said with a smile: "Yes, although I was asked by Yong Yan and Er Zhuang's parents to come in temporarily, but originally my purpose was to come to the forest, what's going on in the forest? I probably know what happened, so as before, I made some preparations in advance and brought some food out. Of course, in order to prevent emergencies, I will bring food for about two days. "

"So it is." No wonder the weight of these things is enough, enough for all of them to have a full meal.

When Princess Ningxin saw the jerky in the cloth bag, she had eaten it before and knew how delicious it was, so she swallowed.

Rong Xinyuan and Wei Yushan also ate it, and looked straight at the jerky.

Seeing that they had ignored the roast chicken and steamed buns, Murong Lingran's eyes were about to fall on the jerky, so he pushed the jerky a little closer to the three of them, and said with a smile, "You should look like you are. If you prefer jerky, then eat it, you're welcome."

The three said thank you at the same time, and without hesitation, they reached out to the jerky.

Rong Xinlian had never eaten jerky, so she looked at it with disgust and glanced at her head. Seeing that the three of them picked up the jerky and shoved them into their mouths, she immediately stopped: "Is this really edible? I've never seen such ugly food, black, yellow, black and yellow. I don't have any appetite. I think you'd better not eat it. Especially Xiao Ning, you have a distinguished status. If something happens, then The three of us will be miserable, and we will definitely be blamed by your brother and mother."

Princess Ningxin suddenly looked at Rong Xinyuan and Wei Yushan suspiciously.

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