Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1447 I will protect you

Murong Zhe said, "Go, just be careful."

After he finished speaking, he looked at his wife: "you go with them too."

Although he didn't want his wife to go there, there are people with heads and faces here, and anyone can step on them.

But the wife is not the temperament to cause trouble, and in the territory of the palace, it is estimated that no one dares to act wildly.

And there is still her daughter, her death-free gold medal, and the old immortal behind her, so they shouldn't suffer.

The Hou of Ning'an smiled and said, "Let's all go over there. It's better to meet some new friends, Xiao Ning, they will take care of you."

Princess Ningxin nodded with a smile: "Well, don't worry, your family are all distinguished guests of the palace, and I'm still here, I will protect you."

Xiao Manan nodded, got up and greeted several children.

Murong Lingran had no choice but to agree.

Murong Yi and Murong Ding immediately stood up excitedly and followed behind A-jie excitedly.

When I arrived at the guest house, it was indeed extremely lively inside. It was indeed as Princess Ningxin said, which was much more relaxed than the atmosphere in the main hall.

Because the princess and the concubine were both in the guest house, Princess Ningxin took them directly to them.

The princess was talking to the side concubine, and when she saw Princess Ningxin and a group of people she had never seen walking towards them, she couldn't help but glance at each other.

The two showed puzzled eyes at the same time, and they didn't know who those people were.

Seeing that Princess Ningxin was getting closer and closer to them, the two hurriedly stood up and waited for the arrival of the person opposite.

Princess Ningxin bowed to the princess and said with a smile, "You don't need to be polite to the princess's sister-in-law and Concubine Lan, Xiao Ning is polite."

The two of them didn't dare to accept her gift, so they hurriedly returned the gift.

Princess Qi said: "Xiao Ning is very polite."

After speaking, he looked behind her and asked suspiciously, "They are..."

Princess Ningxin said: "They are Wen Ruilang's family."

"Wen Ruilang?" Princess Qi asked in surprise, "Is it the owner of Zhi Ye Zhai?"


Seeing that his family was mentioned, Xiao Manan hurriedly took the children and gave them a proper salute.

She had learned the etiquette and rules of such an occasion when she first came to the capital, and the children had also learned it, so it was hard for them.

"The princess is auspicious, and the concubine Lan is auspicious."

Princess Qi had been told in advance by King Qi that she would entertain Murong Zhe's family properly, and said sternly, "You don't need to be too polite, just get up."

Xiao Manan took the children to the sound.

Princess Qi said again: "What do you call everyone?"

Xiao Manan introduced himself and the children.

Concubine Qi nodded and was about to speak when she heard people reporting that something happened in the backyard that needed her to be dealt with urgently, so she regretted saying something rude to Xiao Manan, and hurried away with Concubine Lan.

Originally, there were still many questions that I wanted to ask them, but unexpectedly, something unexpected happened.

Seeing this, Princess Ningxin smiled and said, "Let's go, let's go see that talking bird."

Xiao Manan definitely wouldn't play with the children. Mrs. Rong and Mrs. Wei also came and invited her away halfway.

Murong Zong, Murong Xuan and Murong Kuan were also invited away by Rong Fengxu and Wei Jingxuan.

Of course, when the four of them left, they were worried that something would happen to Murong Lingran with her two younger brothers, but Murong Lingran said that this was the palace and that nothing would happen. Princess Ningxin also promised to take care of them. Now everyone already knows about Ningxin. The true identity of Princess Heart, they had to let them play by themselves.

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