Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1451 Will you still chat?

Sure enough, it was the person Nine Brothers liked, but it was unusual.

Wu Weilan's face suddenly became extremely gloomy, this girl's luck is really good, and she was hit like this.

Yes, it must be just luck, next time it won't be so easy.

Wu Weilan said with a yin and yang expression: "It's just one hit, what's so strange, maybe it's just luck, if you can hit it again and again, that's a real skill."

Princess Ningxin frowned, did this person have a holiday with Miss Murong?

How can you speak so hostilely?

Have they met before?

Murong Lingran said lightly: "Ms. Wu is right, it really doesn't explain anything at one time, so let's continue and see how my luck is today, in the same order as before, I'm the last."

After speaking, he gave up his seat to Murong Ding, who was eager to try.

Regrettably, Murong Ding was not successful this time.

Immediately afterwards, Murong Yi was also not hit.

The two failed, so they put all their hopes on their sister.

The third one is still Wu Weilan. This time, she was lucky enough to be hit by her.

The women who came with her were instantly excited.

"Sister Weilan made the shot, and Sister Weilan is too good."

"She has practiced many times at home before, and it's not surprising that she won."

"Yes, yes, she was just unlucky just now."

"Yes, throwing a pot requires feeling, and when the feeling comes, it will naturally hit every chance."

Murong Ding and Murong Yi saw that Wu Weilan had been hit, and at the same time snorted coldly, their elder sister would not lose, and would also be hit.

Hearing everyone's praise, Wu Weilan gave Murong Lingran a triumphant look on her face.

Murong smiled and said, "It's really amazing."

Wu Weilan said, "You're not too bad."

"So powerful, why did you miss the first time?"

Wu Weilan's face suddenly turned cold. He really couldn't speak, would he still be able to chat?

Seeing this, Murong Lingran laughed and said, "Miss Wu, I'm young and can't speak. I hope you don't mind."

Wu Weilan said without a smile: "I don't mind, of course I don't mind. Miss Murong is right."

Princess Ningxin covered her mouth and smiled, Miss Murong, you said so, so if she seemed to mind, wouldn't she feel very lackluster?

Princess Ningxin didn't feel any pressure when she saw that they had all made the shot. They were just playing anyway. With a slight shot, just like before, she didn't hit.

Murong Lingran walked to the edge of the quiver, glanced at the distance, and suddenly took two arrows in his hand.

Wu Weilan frowned and said, "You take two arrows, do you want to throw two arrows at the same time?"

"Yeah." Murong nodded, "According to the previous rules, I didn't say you can't cast two at the same time."

Wu Weilan pouted, "I didn't say no, just vote if you want."

It's hard for most people to hit one, let alone two.

I was so anxious that I couldn't eat hot tofu, so I lost my wife and lost my soldiers, so I couldn't throw in either.

Murong Lingran knew what she was thinking by seeing her sarcastic face, and smiled coldly in her heart, holding an arrow in each hand and throwing it at the same time.

The people present held their breath at the same time and looked nervously at her hand.

Wu Weilan stared straight at the trajectory of the two arrows, but to her disappointment, both arrows hit at the same time.

Murong smiled contentedly, and it seemed that he hadn't retreated.

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