Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1459 innocent

Even if the man didn't say the latter, everyone knew what he meant.

"It's very possible, maybe it's just a single thought, and when the reaction comes, it's too late to regret it."

"Yes, people like us have seen a lot of good things, and it is absolutely impossible to steal an earring, and the servants of the palace are also. If you steal it, you can't take it out and sell it, you can't wear it, and you may lose your life, which is also impossible. Stealing, then the only possibility is only the Wen Swiss franc family, after all, they are the lowest-ranking family here."

"you're right……"

Some people agreed with that person's point of view, and looked at Murong Lingran's family with increasingly contemptuous eyes.

Wu Weilan and her sisters looked at each other, and their faces became smug again.

Let you make them so shameless just now, let's do it now, let's see how you end.

People, you still can't do bad things, or retribution will come soon.

Dare to offend them, this is the end.

Murong Zhe saw that they all believed that he was a thief. He hated thieves the most in his life. All his sons and daughters knew his temper, and it was absolutely impossible for him to do such a stupid thing.

Xiao Manan became flustered when he saw that some people looked at his family in the same way that they looked at thieves.

Is it really a Hongmen banquet today, and their family is about to become prisoners again?

The expressions of the other children also turned extremely ugly. Even if they were in Saiyuan Mansion before, no matter how bad it was, even if they starved to death, they would never be thieves.

Seeing this, Murong Lingran glanced at Mrs. Shi, who was smiling, and then at Shan Zhu. Before waiting for her parents to speak, she took the lead and said, "Shan Zhu, right? You look at us, you mean we The family stole the princess' earrings?"

Shan Zhu nodded: "Yes."

Everyone started talking again, and the hall suddenly became very lively.

King Qi said solemnly, "Quiet."

Everyone immediately shut up.

Murong Lingran said coldly, "What evidence do you have that the princess' earrings were stolen by our family?"

Shan Zhu said: "I saw it myself."

King Qi frowned and asked, "Did you see it yourself?"

Shan Zhu nodded: "If you go back to the prince, it is indeed the servant who saw it in person."

King Qi turned his head: "Miss Murong, she said she saw it in person, which means she is a witness, what do you say?"

Just as Mrs. Wei was about to speak, Mrs. Rong, who was not far away, gave her a calm look.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wei had no choice but to look at her father.

The Marquis of Ning'an didn't speak for a while, but just stared straight at Murong Lingran, who had a calm and calm face.

He had a feeling that she would definitely be able to solve this matter today.

Just like some people thought, he also felt that Murong Zhe's family was not short of money now. To make money, they would use their own efforts and would never go around and steal an earring that couldn't be worn.

He investigated Murongzhe's family clearly, and he never believed that they could steal people's things.

Rong Fengxu and Wei Jingxuan also didn't believe that the Murong family could steal things. If they were short of money, they would not have given five hundred years of ginseng as a coming-of-age gift. ?

Murong Lingran said lightly: "My lord, our family is innocent."

Princess Ningxin also said: "Second emperor brother, their family is really innocent, you can't just wrong a good person."

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