Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

#1464 fox fake tiger power

Madam Qian immediately said, "Your Majesty, it is true. When we were in the hospital, the two of us were always together, and many ladies can testify."

Murong Lingran sneered: "Can you guarantee that she will always be in your sight? Didn't leave half a step?"


"You have to think about it." Murong interrupted her, and said again: "Now Your Majesty is here, the crime of deceiving the king is the crime of death!"

Helian Rongjiu raised her eyebrows, and learned how to pretend to be a fox and a tiger.

Madam Qian was startled, but she didn't expect Murong Lingran to threaten her in return, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and had to say truthfully: "It's true that we've been together all the time, it's just... It's just that we both went for convenience in the middle, less than one cup. Tea time will close, so in such a short time, I believe that Mrs. Shi should not have time to steal the earrings."

Murong said: "This is just your guess. Anyway, Mrs. Shi stole the earrings. The evidence is on her body.

Shi Xingping said: "Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible, a body search is a great shame."

Murong Lingran sneered: "It's really only when the board hits me that I know it hurts. They're all human. I can search my body casually, but not your wife's body?"

Shi Xingping blushed and was about to speak when he saw her and said, "Your Majesty, the servant girl is willing to use the servant girl's head as a guarantee. If the earring is not on Mrs. Shi, the servant girl is willing to use her life to apologize to Mrs. Shi immediately."

Murong Zhe was shocked, "Aran!"

Helian Rongjiu frowned and said, "Why is the matter so serious, I'm still waiting for you to continue to grow more productive food for me, don't say the word 'death' casually, if a person like you dies, it's Xuanyuan Qing Kingdom is a huge loss."

As soon as the words fell, most people looked at Murong Lingran meaningfully.

It is good to have a good skill, even His Majesty can treat him differently.

With His Majesty's words, it is estimated that even if Murong Lingran really stole it today, it would be fine.

After Helian Rongjiu finished speaking, she looked at Madam Shi and said sternly: "A body search is indeed a great shame, and even if you prove your innocence later, it will damage your reputation. Why don't you do this, Madam Shi, since Miss Murong said that that thing was on you. , in order to prevent everyone from saying that we bullied a child, and you proposed the body search first, and you are an elder, why don't you set an example first and agree to search your body, and if you can't search her, how about it?"

Murong raised an eyebrow, this idea is really good.

Mrs. Shi's brows furrowed immediately. How could her identity be the same as Murong Lingran, and she wanted to search her body?

But this is what His Majesty suggested. If you don't agree and don't give your Majesty a favor, it will not only be disrespectful, but your Majesty will definitely hate their family in the future.

Helian Rongjiu looked in another direction.

Mrs. Rong said: "Your Majesty's proposal is very good, Mrs. Shi, since you are accusing each other of each other and you are an elder, you should really set an example first."

Mrs. Wei also said: "Indeed, I believe that as long as you are searched first, Miss Murong will not be able to refuse."

Seeing this, the other ladies also began to persuade.

"That's right, that's true."

"Whoever proposes should be searched first."

"Yes, yes."


Mrs. Shi gritted her teeth, glanced at Shan Zhu, saw her nodding, and then said, "Your Majesty, the court lady is willing to be searched to prove her innocence."

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