Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1482 An accident

Seeing them say this, after all, they are doing it for the good of the village, so they don't have to worry about the money, and Li Zheng can't say anything.

Li Zheng took another look at the blueprint in his son's hand, thought for a moment, and said solemnly: "According to the drawing, this school will occupy a lot of land, and it will cost a lot of money just to buy the land."

Murong Lingran smiled and said, "That's why I took out one hundred taels of silver notes at one time. These Uncle Qinghe will be used first. If it's not enough, just tell me."

Li Zheng frowned and said, "It's not right, it's too much."

He knew that the Murong family was rich, but he didn't expect to be so willing, and they were not afraid of his son's dissent.

Zhuang Qinghe also said: "Yes, this is building a school for the village. As the son of Lizheng, I naturally need to contribute. Our family can pay first, and then settle the account. Don't worry, we can first Don't use the gold rewarded by Your Majesty, thanks to your family these days, our family has saved a lot of money, and there is still some money in advance."

Murong Lingran said: "Just accept it, it's all your hard-earned money, but you still have a lot of children to support, so let's keep it for the time being. Besides, when the school was built, our family also had a lot of money. I have to be busy with other things, and I may not have time to help, and I have to trouble Uncle Qinghe to help us keep an eye on it. We will have the money to contribute, and we will be able to contribute. Uncle Qinghe has built the house for so many years, and he must be able to see it at a glance. Whether the material is good or bad, I only have one requirement, that is, all the materials used must be the best."

When Zhuang Qinghe heard the words, he was no longer hypocritical, and nodded solemnly: "Okay, since the little boss trusts me so much, then I must do a good job of keeping accounts to ensure that every place where the copper is found can be found."

Murong Lingran said again: "Uncle Qinghe, don't treat yourself badly. Your salary should be three times what it used to be. You should pay more for other people. Give some hard money, that's what it should be."

Zhuang Qinghe was overjoyed when he heard the words, "Thank you little master."

Li Zheng thought for a moment, and then said: "Azhe, the land to buy the school must be registered under your family name, why don't you find a time to go to the city with me."

Murong Zhe said sternly, "Let A Ran go with you. It's enough to register in her name."

This is what they have already discussed. Building a school will cost a lot of money, and it is also a good thing to do good deeds. The family has so much money because of the daughter, and the natural merit should also be her.

Li Zheng looked at Murong Zong and the others, and seeing that they all looked like they were acquiesced, he said solemnly: "Okay, it's a bit embarrassing to go to the city now, so let's go tomorrow."

Murong nodded: "Okay, Grandpa Lizheng."

The two discussed other details, and Murong Zhe sent them away.

As soon as they left, the Yu family came over.

The Yu family went back to Yujia Village early in the morning before dawn to clean up the house and start building the house, but they didn't expect to come back so early.

Murong Zhe saw that their faces were all a little ugly, especially the youngest Yu Yongyan, who couldn't hide his emotions, his face was obviously solemn, and he asked with concern: "What's wrong, what happened?"

Yu Shanyuan thought of what happened in Yujia Village just now, in order not to make people worry, he forced a smile and said, "It's okay, it's because of the big brother, some people in the clan don't like us."

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