Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1493 A small noise for three days, a big noise for five days

After talking to Murong Zhe, he didn't object and let her do it anyway.

When Murong Zhe waited for the children to go to the outer village to find someone, he brought Da Lin to Murong Liang's house.

Murongliang also asked Zhuang Qinghe to help him build a house a few days ago, but he said that he had already picked up other jobs in advance and could not pick him up. Under the introduction of Zhuang Qinghe, he also went to other villages to find someone to build a house.

In order to be able to move in as soon as possible, the house started construction one step earlier than others, and the foundation was already laid at this time.

He also built a blue brick house. Although it cost a lot, for the sake of Murong Cai, he gritted his teeth and passed.

Next to their house, there is another house under construction. It is none other than Murong Yang, who is also building a blue brick house.

When Murong Lingran went to help the Yu family to apply for the household registration that day, Murong Zhe asked her to go to Murong Yang's shop before going, and asked him if he would like to have the household registration in Lihua Village. done.

Murong Yang was naturally willing. They now live in the backyard of the shop, and the shop is also rented. They can't live there forever, they still need their own house.

The houses in the city are really too expensive. They can't afford the cheapest small courtyards now, so they can only buy land in the villages to build houses.

If Liu Guli was still there in the past, he must have been reluctant. Not to mention him, even her wife Hu Hexiang was reluctant.

When the two get together, there must be a small quarrel for three days and a big quarrel for five days. He has a headache when he hears it.

But now Liu Guli is dead, and when Murong Qing gets married, Murong Liang will have only Murong Cai by his side.

Moreover, he and Murong Liang have been separated for more than ten years, and now they finally have the opportunity to live together again. In order to take care of the two brothers in the future, when they heard that Murong Lingran wanted to help him settle down, he agreed without thinking about it. I bought the land on which the house was built, and an additional five mu of wasteland to grow food.

Although the business of his family's breakfast shop is not bad now, they are farmers after all. They have cultivated fields for a lifetime, and they still feel that they have grain in their hands. Moreover, there are high-yield grains in the village, so he will plant them no matter what. .

With two sons and daughter-in-law busy in the business, he went home to supervise the work.

Murong Yang had just boiled water for the workers when he saw Murong Zhe going to his eldest brother's house from a distance.

Murong Zhe first went to look at Murong Liang's house. At this time, the ruins had been disposed of and the foundation was being laid.

In order to save wages, the grandparents and grandchildren also helped after doing the work in the fields.

As for Mrs. Chen, after being picked up by Murong Qing and her injuries a little bit better, she kept arguing every day to find Murong Xue.

In the past, Murong Qing was fine when she had time, and she could just let her go.

Murongqing is very busy now, and houses are being built everywhere in the village. She was afraid that Mrs. Chen would be accidentally injured, so she tied her waist with a rope and tied it to a tree in the yard.

Although it may seem cruel, it is impossible.

Chen's head was damaged, and he didn't know how to untangle the knot, so he had to sit under the tree obediently, either staring at Murong Qing busy with dull eyes, or chanting the names of the three children.

From time to time, Murong Qing had to check whether the Chen family was safe, so when Murong Zhe came, she was the first to spot him. When she saw him coming, she stepped forward excitedly and said, "Uncle, you are here."

Murong Zhe nodded: "Well, I'll take a look."

Murong Liang and Murong Cai also came over when they heard his voice.

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