Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1504 In case they are liars

Some people are afraid of being abused. They have heard people say that when some employers see people who are working slowly, they will whip them with whips. In the end, they are covered in illness and the money they make is not enough for medicine.

There are also some people who are a little moved, but seeing that no one has taken the lead in agreeing, they dare not take the lead in agreeing, for fear that if they take the lead, if those who follow go regret it, they will be the first to blame.

Villager A suddenly said, "Uncle Li Zheng, they said they belonged to the Murong family, how can they prove that what they said is true?"

Villager Yi echoed: "That's right, I said something ugly. What if... if they are liars, what should I do?"

"I've also heard that some people specialize in abducting and selling strong laborers to work as coolies. After they go, they never come back."

"Yes, didn't it happen in the village that people who used to work in the city never came back? They must have been deceived."

"Yes, yes, how do you prove that they are from the Murong family?" The rest of the villagers also reacted.

Murong raised her eyebrows, but she was quite vigilant. She wasn't angry, and she had to be wary of others. They suddenly appeared here and offered such generous conditions. It was normal for others to doubt them.

Peng Dazhi picked up the letter that he had been holding in his hand and shook it for everyone, saying, "Don't worry, I know Zhuang Lizheng in Lihua Village, and I also know his handwriting. They brought Zhuang Lizheng's letter with them. come over."

People are still hesitant.

They have heard of it, and the handwriting can also be faked.

Seeing this, Murong Lingran didn't want to waste any more time, and said sternly: "Hello everyone, let me introduce myself, I am the youngest daughter of the Murong family, Murong Lingran."

"It's normal that you don't trust us now, but I hereby assure you that we are by no means liars. If we choose someone well, we won't send someone to pick you up the day after, lest you think we're going to take you to a dangerous place. Go, everyone can go directly to Lihua Village."

"If everyone goes there on their own, they will know if we are liars if we go there."

This is one way.

It's just that some villagers agree, but they are still a little worried.

Seeing this, Murong Kuan said loudly: "Aran, eldest brother, second brother, I think their precautions are very heavy, I guess they will not agree no matter how much we say, let's not waste time, go to the village next to them. , I heard that there are many people in the village next door, and they will definitely be willing to go back to Lihua Village with us."

Murong Zong nodded: "Third brother is right, it's getting late, so let's go."

Murong Xuan also said: "Well, I agree too."

Murong Lingran also looked at Peng Dazhi with a look of regret, "Grandpa Peng, since they don't want to go, let's not force it, let's go to the next village to see, the separation of flesh and blood is indeed unbearable for some people. We are new here. , they will guard against us and it is normal, then we will not delay everyone's work time, so we will leave."

After speaking, he followed the elder brother to the direction of the carriage.

The most important thing around the capital is people, and she is not necessarily a person from this village.

Obviously they are here to provide good jobs, and now it's as if they owe these villagers.

She also knows that some of these people may be waiting for her to say more favorable conditions.

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