Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1522 show her face

"No, I have two sons under me. Although it costs a lot for them, I will work hard to make money in the future."

Jia Chengmu said with a smile: "Yongli her father, you are humble, your family are hardworking people, how can you let yourself live on the street."

"And Yongli's mother, you're right, a blue brick house is easier to marry than a mud brick house. For the sake of the children, it's worth the hard work."

Li Taoxiang's brows were furrowed when she heard the words, and the smile on her face disappeared instantly. She had run out of money to build the blue brick house, so she didn't consider the money for her daughter's dowry?

Could it be that if he was in a relationship today, he would send his daughter away with something random when he planned to get married?

And her son has reached the age of proposing marriage, so he didn't even leave his son's dowry money?

Or do you plan to ask them for a large betrothal gift and keep it for Yu Yongkun to marry a daughter-in-law?

Although Li Taoxiang was puzzled, she didn't ask directly. After thinking about it, she asked another question: "Mother Yongli, I heard that you moved here from Yujia Village, and you also moved your household registration? Are you planning to settle down in Lihua Village?"

Seeing that her face suddenly became serious, Liang Xiaoying was not as enthusiastic as before, and she was also very puzzled. Could it be that what she said just now made her unhappy?

Dare to show her face even before the eight characters are written? Got it after that?

Although dissatisfied with Li Taoxiang, out of courtesy, Liang Xiaoying smiled and replied, "Yes."

Li Taoxiang asked again: "This household registration is not so easy to get down, how could it be so easy for the official to get you to Lihua Village?"

It turns out that the household registration and house are in Lihua Village, and there is no possibility of returning to Yujia Village in the future.

I heard that their family works in the fields of Murong's family and can earn a lot of money in a month. No wonder they dare to spend all their money on building houses, and they can make more money after spending them.

Being able to get the household registration in Lihua Village is a bit of a skill.

She has also heard before that there are people from other villages who envy the people of Lihua Village who can work in the fields of Murong's family, so they want to transfer their household registration to Lihua Village through relatives in Lihua Village. , it is not a pity to abandon it, just rebuild the house in Lihua Village.

It's just that they asked Li Zheng and the government, but they didn't agree.

Liang Xiaoying glanced at Murong Lingran with an embarrassed look again, and when she saw her nodding, she said, "Actually, it was Xiaodong's help."

Li Taoxiang glanced at Murong Lingran in amazement, and was about to talk to her when she turned her head when she met her gaze, her face suddenly a little uncomfortable, and she said with an embarrassed expression, "I heard about the Murong family a long time ago. My little daughter is amazing, I didn't expect the rumors to be true."

Seeing that Murong Lingran was still silent, Li Taoxiang rolled her eyes and continued to ask cheekily, "Miss Murong, I heard that you have three older brothers and three younger brothers, right?"

Are you here for a blind date, or to inquire about her family?

Does her brothers have anything to do with her coming to see her daughter-in-law today?

And the question that this person asked from the beginning made her uncomfortable.

The son's blind date, instead of trying to talk about the merits of his son, he kept asking about the wife's family, which was really disgusting.

Murong Lingran's expression turned cold in an instant, and she said coldly, "So what?"

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