Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1632 Doubts about space water

"I thought it would be fine after the heavy rain, but I didn't expect that this month, there were only a few drizzles and a few thunderstorms. I was worried that if this continued, not only the fish, shrimp and crabs in the small river pond would be in danger. The crops in the field will have problems this year."

In order to prevent those fish, shrimp and crab fry from running away, and in order not to affect the downstream water use, Xiaodong gave up using iron bars to block the fish, shrimp and crabs. Before, a smaller river pond was dug next to it to drain the water downstream. The opening has also been blocked, and the water level has continued to drop. He worries that the river and pond will dry up sooner or later.

Murong frowned, the water level was indeed dropping too fast.

Chang Yongsong continued: "Little Master, if it stays like this in the future, this small river pond will dry up sooner or later. Before the fish, shrimp and crabs were released, this river pond deepened a lot, and it has deepened since then, and this river pond has not been hit. Irrigation has dried up so fast that if this pond is empty, it is even less likely that other ponds in the village will have water.”

Murong said: "What do you mean..."

"I can't think of any good ideas." Chang Yongsong patted his head embarrassedly, "It's better to take advantage of the fact that there is water now, instead of restricting sales, let's sell them all, if there is no water, these dead Well, that would cost a lot of money."

Murong Lingran was about to say to wait for a while, when she suddenly thought of the water around her space island, and her brows suddenly loosened.

She remembered that Chang Qi Shenjun said that those waters are inexhaustible, and if it really doesn't rain in the future, she can use space water.

Seeing her relaxed look, Chang Yongsong thought she was still young and didn't know the severity of the drought for the farmers, so he hurriedly said: "Little master, you really have to pay attention, what I said is possible. Ah, although I haven't experienced it, I heard Dad say that drought can kill people, you see Lizheng in Baiyun Village, didn't he die on the way to the capital because of drought?"

Murong said: "But if there are no fish, shrimp and crabs to sell in the small river pond, aren't you afraid of not having a job?"

Chang Yongsong's eyes were firm and said: "Don't be afraid, I will go to open up wasteland if it's a big deal. Isn't the one hundred acres of land that His Majesty rewarded you still in wasteland development? Don't worry, I don't dislike it, as long as I have a job and don't starve to death, I'll do it. "

Murong Lingran was relieved when she heard the words, she thought she was right, and said earnestly, "Don't worry, I have my own plans in mind."

After he finished speaking, he rode on the black fur and went home.

Chang Yongsong was helpless and had to sigh.

Forget it, if there is no heavy rain in a few days and the water level drops again, he will tell her again.

After Murong Lingran returned home, he directly locked the door and entered the space.

"Shen Jun Changqi, I have some questions to ask you."

Shenjun Changqi said lightly, "Ask."

Murong Lingran asked: "Put aquatic animals in the water around the island, such as fish, shrimp and crab, and they can grow to their limit in two days. Some time ago, I found giant tortoises in my small river pond, but if Will water snakes and other animals that are harmful to humans get bigger when they come into contact with that water?"

Chang Qi Shenjun said: "You actually thought of asking me this question now, aren't you afraid that there are already water snakes in your small river pond?"

Murong Lingran coughed softly: "That's what I know, you will definitely remind me of things that are not good for me."

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