Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1634 There are secrets

Shenjun Changqi whispered in a low voice, "It's not too stupid."

After speaking, he disappeared into the air.

When Murong Lingran went out, she wanted to go out immediately to inform Li Zheng, but it was just lunch time, so she was waiting for her to serve the table, so she had to go in the afternoon.

When she was half full, Murong Lingran saw that her parents were not looking very well, so she asked with concern, "Father, Mother, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Are they also worried that it will never rain in the sky?

Murong Zhe shook his head, "No, I'm in good health, I'm thinking of other things, by the way, I received a letter from your elder brother today."

Murong Lingran turned her head and glanced at my sister-in-law. Seeing that there was no change in her face, she knew that she had seen it, and asked, "How is the war going?"

Murong Zhe said, "The situation is fine."

"Then why is my father and mother still so solemn?"

Murong Zhe glanced at the sky and sighed: "I just came here. He said that there is little rain this year, so he is afraid of disasters."

"Grandpa Lizheng also came, what did he say specifically?"

"I just said that the water in the well is low this year, and the water in the river is gradually decreasing. He originally thought it would be fine after a while, but based on his experience, he said that this year may not be easy, let us do some preventive measures. Measures, such as stocking up some food, let us look at the time, and some food that has been stored for a long time will not be sold if it is not sold. I also checked the well in our house just now, and the water level has indeed dropped a lot compared to before. ."

After all, the Murong family is related to the livelihood of the entire village. If something happens to their family, I am afraid that the entire village will be affected, and it is normal for the village to be anxious.

Murong Lingran said with relief: "Dad, don't worry, nothing will happen to our village, there will be a way for the car to the front of the mountain."

As expected of Lizheng, he has already thought of going ahead of her. Since that's the case, there is no need for her to inform him any more. Even if their family is telling them to eat some food, he will definitely inform other families as well.

Murong Zhe was about to say that she was too optimistic, but thinking that there was an old fairy behind her, he suddenly looked straight into his daughter's eyes: "Aran, even if there is a drought this year, will the people in the village be able to tide over the difficulties smoothly? "

Murong Lingran's eyes were firm and he said, "Don't worry, Dad, it's definitely possible."

With a satisfactory answer, Murong Zhe finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Except for Murong Kuan, who knew the existence of the old immortal, everyone else looked at each other, not knowing what riddles they were playing.

Murong Xuan asked suspiciously, "Father, are you and A Ran hiding a secret from us?"

Murong Zhe coughed lightly, and said with an uneasy expression: "Of course, everyone has secrets, don't you also have secrets to hide from us?"

"I... What secrets can I have?" Murong Xuan asked blankly.

Murong Lingran laughed secretly in her heart, Dad was so smart, he immediately shifted the topic to the second brother.

Xiao Manan also spoke up, with a worried look on his face: "Ah Xuan, during this time, I want you to meet the girls I like, and your sister-in-law also wants you to see the girls she knows, don't you say no? Time, just say that you have seen that person and don't like it."

"I know your temperament, and you are not very picky. If you can say this, you must have someone you like. You might as well tell us the truth. If it is suitable, we will immediately propose you a marriage."

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