Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1639 Much taller than their Geng family

Geng Yucheng gritted his teeth and said, "You threaten me?"

"I'm not a threat, I'm a reminder."

Xiao Manan in the distance whispered: "As expected of the family of the generals, even a concubine is so loyal and has such a bold personality, it seems that her sister's temperament should not be bad."

Murong glanced at Fu Qiaozhi and said nothing.

"You!" Geng Yu became angry and commanded loudly, "Someone, hit me together."

A servant said: "Master, she is a guest after all, isn't it bad to beat her?"

Geng Yucheng was startled, and then he realized that he was impulsive. It was all Fu Qiaozhi's fault. He almost caused him a big disaster, so what he did before was in vain.

Now that both Fang Hongmao and Fang Hongsheng have made grandfather unhappy, he is a little complacent, no, he must not do things that make the master of the Houfu unhappy.

It happened that a maid walked by not far away, and Geng Yucheng immediately called them over.

The leading maid respectfully said, "What is your order, Master Yucheng?"

Geng Yucheng said: "Hold Fu Qiaozhi to me, this young master will teach the people behind her a lesson."

The leading maid knew the people who were kneeling on the ground, all of whom worked together, so she hesitated.

Seeing this, Geng Yucheng couldn't help but lower his voice a bit, "What? My son can't help you, right?"

When the maids saw this, they were afraid that he would be angry, so they had to answer at the same time: "Yes, young master."

After he finished speaking, he pulled Fu Qiaozhi aside.

Anyway, the girl on the ground was arrogant, and she used to feel a lot of anger because she was transferred to the eldest princess' yard. Although she was transferred to the kitchen to work later, she was extremely arrogant, and she just gave herself a breath today.

Fu Qiaozhi broke free several times without breaking free, and frowned: "Geng Yucheng, if you dare to treat me like this, you will regret it. The eldest princess knows and will not spare you lightly."

Geng Yucheng ignored her and told the people around him, "Go, give me another hundred slaps."

He didn't believe that the eldest princess would punish him for a servant.

"Yes, sir."

The maid who was kneeling on the ground saw that the savior was gone, so she closed her eyes resignedly.

Seeing this, the housekeeper knew that he couldn't just sit back and watch, so he walked out and shouted loudly, "Stop!"

Geng Yucheng clenched his fist and turned his head impatiently: "Who is here to disturb this young master again?"

"it's me."

When Geng Yucheng saw that it was the housekeeper, his heart skipped a beat. Did this person take what happened just now?

Seeing that he brought the people from the Murong family in Lihua Village again, his brows furrowed.

The eldest princess is also true, she actually praised a family of exiled people again and again, and she is not afraid of ruining her reputation and making herself unsafe for the festival!

He also knew about Murong Zong being named general and Murong Lingran being named Chunling Township Lord, and he didn't know what His Majesty thought, but he actually praised the Murong family so much.

However, it was just that the high-yield grain was successfully planted together, and they were directly rewarded with some gold and silver jewelry. They actually made their status a lot higher than their Geng family overnight, and they became the upstarts in the capital. It was really maddening.

Seeing this, Fu Qiaozhi immediately broke free of the person who caught him, and quickly ran to the housekeeper's side.

Seeing Geng Yucheng watching them motionless, the housekeeper frowned, "Master Yucheng, did you forget something?"

Geng Yucheng said blankly, "What's the matter?"

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