Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1642 Fu Qiaozhi's thoughts

The housekeeper nodded: "Yes, Mrs. Fu and Miss Fu are probably already waiting. We will not delay any more time, so we will leave."

Concubine Li suggested, "Why don't I go with you and apologize to His Highness?"

Fang Guanjia said: "That's not necessary. The eldest princess has a distinguished guest today, so let's deal with the housework later, so as not to spoil the guests' interest."

Aunt Li was helpless and had to give up.

Fu Qiaozhi suddenly stepped forward and said very generously and decently: "Hello everyone, you are from the Murong family. My name is Fu Qiaozhi, and I am the younger sister of Fu Yizhi's sister."

Xiao Manan nodded politely: "Hello."

Fu Qiaozhi looked at Murong Xuan again and said with a smile, "You are my sister's blind date today, I'm sorry, I made you joke just now, like my sister, I don't practice martial arts very much, and my sister also learned a little bit of self-defense. I have no talent for martial arts at all, and I didn’t learn anything.”

Murong Xuan did not speak.

Murong Lingran glanced at Fu Qiaozhi meaningfully, and said without saying much, "Housekeeper, let's hurry up, or we should make Mrs. Fu wait for a long time."

"Yes, yes." The housekeeper said, "Everyone, please come with me."

Seeing this, Fu Qiaozhi had no choice but to follow.

It's just that she just walked a few steps, and suddenly stepped on those broken tiles, twisted her right foot, and fell down, and she fell to the ground.


The housekeeper hurriedly stepped forward to help her up and said anxiously, "Is Miss Fu Si okay?"

Fu Qiaozhi stood up with difficulty and tried to take a few steps, but just as she took a step, her knees hurt and she took a breath: "Hi..."

She touched the place where she felt the pain, wrinkled her face and said, "It hurts."

Fang Guanjia said: "You definitely can't follow us like this. Why don't Fourth Young Lady stay here temporarily, stay with Young Master Yucheng and Aunt Li, and send someone to pick you up after we go back."

Fu Qiaozhi said: "I'm sorry, it's not that I didn't listen to your advice, but I've been out for a long time. After a long time, I'm worried that my mother-in-law will worry about me. Why don't you... Why don't you ask Murong Xuan Gongzi to carry me over?"

Murong Xuan frowned, obviously not expecting that she would suddenly mention herself.

Although he likes to help others, it is better for him not to help now, so he refuses without hesitation, "Men and women can't get married, not to mention that I'm your sister's blind date, it's not good to have sex with you at this time. Physical contact."

Fu Qiaozhi was instantly embarrassed, but he didn't expect the other party to reject it so plainly.

Murong Lingran raised her eyebrows, glanced at Geng Yucheng out of the corner of the eye, and suddenly said, "If Fourth Miss Fu is afraid of staying here, why don't I stay here with you, as I am, I believe that no one dares to take you here. how's it going."

Fu Qiaozhi said: "No... no need, I can do it alone."

Murong smiled and said: "Since that's the case, then I won't force Fourth Miss."

The group was about to leave when Murong Lingran saw a large group of people walking towards them in the distance.

Taking a closer look, the leader is Princess Qihua.

After a while, those people came to the pavilion.

Xiao Manan took the children and bowed.

"No ceremony." Princess Qihua looked at Murong Lingran, then at Murong Xuan, and at Xiao Man'an, seeing that they were all fine, and finally looked at Fang Steward and Concubine Li, "What happened here? ?"

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