Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1646 be prepared

Murong Lingran was sullen in his heart, but his face was very flat: "Ninth Young Master, the sky has been abnormal recently. You don't want to deal with the government at this time, you care about the people, what are you doing in the Hou's mansion?"

Helian Rongjiu said with awe: "Girl, have you noticed that the weather is not right recently?"

"Of course."

Helian Rongjiu didn't pay attention to his image at all, he sat on the rockery abruptly and frowned: "It hasn't rained much in the sky recently, and the water level of the palace's well has also dropped very quickly. drought."

"I did a survey and found out that it hasn't rained in the capital recently, and the rest of the people next to the capital are all in good weather."

"The courtiers have been arguing in the court for the past few days. Some people said that they should immediately order countermeasures, otherwise the capital will definitely be in chaos in a month or two. There are two wars on the frontier, and there will be internal worries at that time. If there is foreign aggression, the country will definitely be in turmoil.”

"Some courtiers also said that when there were dark clouds recently, it was just thunder and no rain. Maybe there will be pouring rain in a few days. If measures are taken now, it will cost the people and money, and it will definitely make people panic. It caused a lot of complaints.”

Murong nodded in agreement: "There is some truth to what both sides said."

If she didn't have Changqi Shenjun to help her, if she was the emperor, she would also struggle, and the emperor's decision affected her whole body.

Helian Rongjiu calmed down and said, "Girl, tell me which side should I listen to now."

Murong Lingran heard his voice and knew that he must have already made up his mind. He squinted at him, "You are the emperor, do you have to rely on my opinion to know how to decide?"

Shouldn't this person be digging a hole for her?

When one day she makes him unhappy, he will tell what happened today, saying that she interfered in government affairs?

When Helian Rongjiu saw her looking at herself with the look of a bad person, she instantly understood that she must think of herself as a bad person again, she tapped her head lightly, and snorted coldly, "Don't think nonsense, I Not the kind of person you think."

Murong Lingran was knocked by him, but he was not angry. Seeing that his thoughts were seen through by him, he suddenly felt a little guilty and said: "I didn't think too much."

"Okay, in that case, tell me what you think."

Murong Lingran said sternly: "Then I will say it. If it was me, I would definitely take precautions and be prepared, so as not to be caught off guard."

"Just like the house that my family built, it is very close to Wuming Mountain. When it was built, I was worried that some wild animals would climb over the wall, so I built the courtyard wall high."

"Father made special medicinal pills, ground them into powder, and sprinkled them under the walls inside and outside. Since we moved in, there was not a single poisonous snake or beast that threatened us."

"Although some people said that we were too wasteful when building the courtyard wall, there was no need to use so many blue bricks, but it is always good to take precautions before they happen."

Helian Rongjiu said with admiration: "Yes, yes, the idea is indeed good."

Murong said: "So, you have already made up your mind, right?"


"What's your idea? Can you tell me?"

Helian Rongjiu slammed out the folding fan and sighed: "God doesn't rain, and I can't make water, so I can only take advantage of the fact that the water in the river pond has not been dried by the gods, and ordered the people to keep water for themselves. already."

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