Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1651 More Excessive Requirements

Fu Yizhi didn't look at his face, so he didn't know how ugly his face was at this time, and said: "Okay, then I'll continue. I haven't left home much since I was a child, and I hope that Mr. Xuan will take over the house. Buy a place near my Fufu, so that my parents and brothers can come to see me anytime."


"Master Xuan has a lot of people in his family. I'm not good at speaking. I'm afraid of offending Master Xuan's brothers and sisters, so I can't invite other family members to live in the newly bought house."

Murong Xuan frowned and said, "Are you trying to separate my family in advance?"

"It's not for you to split up, it's just for you to live alone."

Murong Xuan clenched his fists and said again, "If there are any other conditions, please tell them all."

Fu Yizhi continued: "I also said just now that my brother's business is not as good as yours. I think your family's Zhiye Zhai's business is also very good. It has already opened to the fourth store. If we get married, I hope you If you can help my family, my eldest brother also wants to open Ye Zhai, but it is too troublesome to buy goods from your home every day, I think... think..."

Murong Xuan helped her by saying, "Want us to provide seeds and methods for planting them? You plant and sell them yourself?"


"We also have giant seedless lychees, strawberries, and high-yield grains. If possible, we can give them to you together."

The two were stunned when they heard the words, turned to look at the speaker, and saw Murong Lingran suddenly standing beside them, and they didn't know how much they had heard.

Fu Yizhi didn't expect Murong Lingran to be around, his face suddenly a little embarrassed, and said: "So Xiangjun is also here, did Xiangjun hear what we said just now?"


"Xiangjun said that our family is so embarrassed, those are all the hard work of your family."

Murong Lingran said with a sullen face: "You still have a heart of shame."

Their family didn't offend the eldest princess recently, why would the eldest princess think about introducing such a person to her second brother?

Fu Yizhi is young, and his face is really comparable to Liu's.

Fu Yi was stunned, "What did Xiangjun say?"

Helian Rongjiu slammed open the folding fan and said with a smile: "This girl is young and her ears are not good, so let me repeat it for her, she said, you still have a heart of shame. , I also know that I would be embarrassed to ask for someone else's effort."

Hearing this, Fu Yizhi knew that Murong Lingran was angry, and hurriedly said: "I'm not discussing this with your brother, and I said in advance that it was an unkind request. If he doesn't want to agree, he doesn't have to agree. Why is Xiangjun's words so sharp and heart-wrenching?"

Murong Ling smiled angrily, "You think my words hurt people now, then when you despised us when we lived in Lihua Village, when you let him separate from us, and when you wanted a way for our family to make a living, do you have any thoughts? Will my second brother be sad?"

"Your second brother didn't say anything just now, so he doesn't mind."

Murong Xuan said, "Who said I wouldn't mind?"

The way of Fu Yi: "Then why did you listen to me saying so many requests?"

Murong Xuan said: "I just want to see what more excessive demands you can make."

"I... How can my request be too much? If we become a relative, we will be a family. A family helps each other and accommodates each other, isn't it right?"

"Should we move to each other?" Murong was happy: "If that's the case, why did you propose to buy a house in the city? You know that the second brother and we are family, why do you want him to be separated from us?"

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