Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1665 widening the river

"Otherwise, we will be harmed by people or beasts with ulterior motives, or if someone or beast accidentally falls and drowns and turns into corpse water, then we will have nowhere to cry."

"When I read the name of the person, I will take the initiative to stay and help build the house. You don't have to worry about delaying work. Chunling Township has already told me that the person who builds the house will not deduct wages."

Meng Chengye said: "Xiangjun is really nice."

"Yeah yeah."

Li Zheng said: "Do you have any other opinions?"

Everyone said in unison: "No, we all listen to Lizheng and Xiangjun."

Seeing that everyone had no opinion, Li Zheng took out the list that had been prepared and began to read the name, "Mo Erkang, Meng Chengye..."

The person who read the name stood up consciously and waited for Li Zheng's order.


For the next ten days, not a single drop of rain fell in the sky.

The sun is also getting hotter day by day, and no one is willing to go out if they are not worried about the food in the fields.

The water in the fields gradually began to decrease, and if it had been more than ten days ago, they would have panicked.

But the people in the village obeyed the emperor's order and worked hard to save water. Even if there is no water everywhere, every household can eat enough water for about a month.

Of course, it is impossible to take a bath every day. You can only simply wipe your body when your body is really smelly. The water after wiping should not be wasted. It should also be used to water crops.

What's more, there are two wells waiting for them. It's really not good. There are also Lizheng and Murong's house. Moreover, Lizheng goes to see it every day, and it is full every day. The rope would be able to hit the water, and they wouldn't be too worried.

The situation in the rest of the villages is worse than that of Lihua Village. Those villages do not have as many rivers and ponds as Lihua Village. The ponds have gradually dried up and there is no water available. Some villages have begun to use well water.

In particular, some people who don't obey the imperial court's orders, feel that the drought is impossible, and have no water storage, are now busy every day.

Not only do I have to fetch water to take care of the fields, but I also have to fetch water for home use. I spend most of my time queuing up every day, and I have to work until midnight before I can sleep.

In order not to crowd with people and to grab more water, they sleep for two hours a day, get up before dawn to fetch water, and work until late at night. just sleep.

In this way, they can only barely let the crops in the field dry up, which is not as good as the weather in previous years.

In the past few days, in addition to the daily work, Murong Lingran also convened manpower, starting from the inlet of the small river pond, planning to widen the river from the downstream all the way up.

Not only for her small river pond, but also for the paddy fields that pass downstream.

Of course, she still invited Zhuang Qing to join them.

Now is a special time, and no one is looking for them to build a house, just to help her.

Chang Yongsong also helped to dig for a while, and felt thirsty. He took a sip of water and took a rest. Seeing Murong Lingran walking from the upstream, he said helplessly: "Little master, I used to have the water from the upstream. I went to see it, and it really flows down from a larger pond on the mountain."

"Is it really useful that you just widen the channel near your small river pond?"

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