Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1667 The water level has risen

Murong Lingran smiled and said: "Uncle Qinghe, they are animals. It's okay to help me with some work occasionally. If I let them dig ditches every day, they will definitely not want to. Moreover, their feet and mouths are not born to be used. Those who dig ditches, if they keep digging, it is estimated that they will be useless in less than a day.”

Zhuang Qing said together: "That's not wrong."

After he finished speaking, he no longer thought about it, and hurriedly looked at those who stopped, "What are you still doing, hurry up to work."

Everyone quickly obeyed and worked faster than before, for fear that Murong Lingran would dislike their slow work and let Heimao and Chongguang take their place.

Murong Lingran saw that their movements had sped up a lot, and the corners of her mouth twitched violently, as if she had warned them unknowingly.

Her original intention was really to make Chang Yongsong believe that her dogs and birds were very capable.

That's all, after the big deal, she will pay them more, send them some black-haired prey, and give them more body repairs.

Perhaps what happened today really served as a warning, and the work that Murong gave to Zhuang Qinghe was completed one day ahead of schedule.

And Chang Yongsong looked at the water in the small river pond at this time, and the smile on his face was getting bigger and bigger.

Not for anything else, but the water level of the small river pond is really increasing every day after Murong Lingran started construction. Now that the river channel is completely completed, it is estimated that it will increase even faster tomorrow.

These fish, shrimp and crabs can finally escape.

Murong Lingran also came over to take a look, seeing the smile on Chang Yongsong's face, he suddenly yawned.

Going out every night these days, she didn't get enough sleep.

If it wasn't for fear of being suspicious of others, she really wanted to fill the river pond all at once.

It doesn't matter, anyway, the river has been completed. After she comes out tonight, she will come out in a few days, otherwise she will not have the energy to find medicinal herbs for Changqi Shenjun.

The next day, Chang Yongsong came to Xiaohetang early in the morning as usual.

When I saw the water in the small river pond, my eyes almost fell to the ground in surprise.

"This...what's the matter?"

The person who came with Chang Yongsong followed his line of sight, and his body was also shocked.

One person said: "Xiao Dong's method is really useful. The water level actually rose back overnight before we came to manage the water level of this river pond."

Another person said: "Xiao Dongjia looks young, but I didn't expect to know more than us."

Chang Yongsong was also extremely surprised. Although the water level was rising every day after the river was widened, it was rising too fast today.

Seeing Chang Yongsong frowning, one person said in surprise, "Chang Guanshi, is there any problem with this water?"

Chang Yongsong shook his head: "No, I just think Xiaodong is very powerful."

Although he felt that the rise was too fast, he didn't think much about it, after all, he couldn't think of any other reason.

Time passed slowly, the sky was still scorching hot every day, although it rained in the middle, but every time the rain fell on the ground, it would dry out instantly, and it was as if it did not rain.

The river ponds and channels in Lihua Village, in addition to Murong Lingran's small river pond, are also drying up gradually, and the gaps in the land gradually allow even children's fists to stretch out.

As a last resort, in order to prevent the death of the high-yield rice, Lizheng has opened two wells. At twelve hours a day, water can be drawn at any time for the villagers to eat and irrigate.

Since that day, long queues can be seen at the two wells every day.

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