Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1669 No shortage of water

After all, the well can only accommodate one person at a time to draw water, while the small pond can accommodate several people at a time, which is much faster.

After Murong Zhe and Li Zheng knew that the whole village was short of water, they opened the door without hesitation, letting anyone who was willing to come to their house to fetch water come.

Although Murong Zhe's house is a bit far from where everyone gathers, for the food and vegetables in his own farm, and for the water he needs to drink every day, it is better to stay farther away than no water.

With the above measures, although the drought has come violently, and the people queuing for water every day are also very hard, but those grains and vegetables are not short of water every day, they are still growing vigorously, and there is no shortage of water to eat and drink. The family has the trouble of water shortage.

As we all know, the water in the small river pond where Murong Lingran raised fish, shrimp and crabs was abundant every day, and there was no sign of decline, and he set his heart on the whole village.

They all felt that as long as there was water in the small river pond, the vegetables, fruits and grains in Murong's family would not die, and Ye Zhai's business could continue, and they and their families would not lose their lives. Work.

Even if the grains in their own fields are not harvested this year, their life will not be too difficult this year. As long as they have the monthly money from the Murong family, they will not be able to buy grain to eat.

In the future, the children of the academy should also read books. Anyway, there is no shortage of water in Lihua Village, and the adults do not want to affect them.

As for the children from other villages, their parents felt that they had already handed in the rehearsal. If they did not study, the rehearsal might not be returned to them. Calling them home not only affected their homework, but also required one more person to use water at home.

A person from each village came to inquire about it. Knowing that Lihua Village is not short of water for the time being, and the academy is not short of water, they let them stay in Lihua Village.

That night, after Murong Lingran was a child, while everyone was sleeping, he quietly filled his well with spatial water.

He rode out the black fur quietly, filled the two wells on the east and west sides with water, and sprinkled the medicinal powder to suppress the water in the space.

Although both wells were locked, she asked Li Zheng for a spare key, and Li Zheng gave it to her even though he didn't know what she was going to do.

As for the well in Lizheng's house, although she also wanted to fill it up, it was not very good to climb over the wall in the middle of the night. If she was caught as a thief, she would not be able to explain it at that time.

Fortunately, the villagers knew that the well in Lizheng's house rose slowly, not as fast as Murong's, and they were very measured. They stopped pumping when the water level reached a similar level every day, and did not let Lizheng's house run out of water.

The first thing Murong Zhe did when he woke up in the past few days was to see if the water in the well had come back up.

He was standing at the edge of the well at this moment, and when Murong Xuan opened the well cover, he stretched his head to look inside, and he was relieved when he saw that the water had already risen again.

"It seems that this location is really good. If the well water stays like this and can last until the next rain, that's fine."

Murong Lingran stood beside him, heard the words and said with a smile: "Dad, don't worry, the people who drilled the well didn't say that, our location is the best location in the village to drill wells, and we will definitely last until it rains. "

Murong Zhe nodded with a sigh, "I hope so."

It's just that there are no major problems in the countryside, but the city is starting to run out of water.

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