Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1671 give water

Murong Lingran smiled and said, "Auntie, how can you be regarded as the wife of the official family now? The eldest brother is still a general, and I am also a villager. If there are not many people in the family to serve you, it will make people laugh."

"Although I have been asking the women in the village to come and help, but now everyone is too busy to take care of themselves, and they are busy with their own affairs every day. Although they may be willing, it is still not good to trouble them, so as not to get tired and get sick."

"I haven't added people before because I couldn't find a suitable person. Now that I have this opportunity, it's natural to make an addition."

Since Liu Jianian married into their family, her two dowries took the initiative to do a lot of work in his family, and sometimes even Xiaosi and Xiaoliu's clothes were washed by them.

Even if Liu Jianian and Songyue Changyue didn't mind, it made her feel very sorry.

Their family obviously has the ability to support their descendants, but they have always ordered the dowry maids who are married to their daughter-in-law, and it will make people laugh when it is spread out.

It's also time for her to add more staff to the family. Anyway, there are still vacant rooms in the east and west courtyards, and they can live there.

Xiao Manan thought about it carefully, and felt that what her daughter said was right, so that Songyue and Changyue would be more relaxed. They have been serving their family with their daughter-in-law's dowry maid, and it is really not right to say it.

At this moment, someone suddenly looked at Murong Lingran and said, "Miss, can you give me some water to drink, I haven't had any water for a whole day."

Another girl around thirteen also said, "Miss, I want to drink too."

When others saw that someone was taking the lead, they also spoke up.

"Miss, I beg you to give your servant a little too."

"This servant has not had a drink for a long time, please let me have a drink too."

"Miss, the servants also want."

"Slaves too."


Murong Lingran let Tong Wenwen go down to prepare, and asked, "Didn't the people at Yaxing give you water to drink?"

The person who spoke at the beginning said, "No, they said that the water was very precious. They didn't have enough to drink. They said that unless we were dying of thirst, they would not give us water to drink."

Murong Lingran asked again, "Is there a shortage of water in Yaxing now? Don't you guys in Yaxing have your own well?"

"It's lacking, it's very lacking, there are wells, but the water level is not high, so people from Yaxing are so reluctant to give it to us."

At this time, Tong Wenwen also brought the water over, and when those people saw the teapot, their eyes straightened.

However, in order to prevent them from breaking the bowls impulsively, Tong Wenwen filled them one by one, and then asked them to come over and serve them one by one.

After everyone drank a bowl of water, they still felt that it was not enough, so Tong Wenwen added them one by one.

Murong Zhe watched each of them gobble up drinking water and frowned, "Is the water shortage in the city to such an extent?"

Murong Lingran heard the words seriously and said: "Dad, don't worry, under the feet of the emperor, His Majesty will not let the capital be in chaos. On my way back, a minister started water supply at the entrance of the mansion, although it is not as good as the rain before. time, but certainly enough for them to survive."

Murong Zhe looked at Liu Jianian, "Jianian, I remember that there was a well in your grandfather's house, and there were more than one well. I wonder if he sent a message to you to report your safety?"

Liu Jianian said: "Don't worry, Dad, my grandfather did send someone to send me a letter yesterday, saying that everything in the house is normal, and there is water in the well. I also responded to His Majesty's order some time ago and saved a lot of water."

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