Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1674 Auction

"Saiyuan Mansion and Lisheng Mansion also need a lot of food and salaries every day. I thought that after the high-yield grains were harvested this year, they could send some to the border gates, but looking at the current appearance of the capital, the risk is still great."

"However, except for the capital and its surrounding areas, the weather is good and the people's lives are very normal. We still need to raise more food and salaries as soon as possible, so that the Marquis of Ning'an and General Rong will have no worries."

"And if the chaos in the capital spreads to the frontier, it is estimated that the morale of the enemy will greatly increase. I will never allow this to happen."

"So, I don't know, dear gentlemen, is there any way to quickly raise food and wages?"

A minister asked worriedly: "Your Majesty, is the treasury no longer able to pay for food?"

Helian Rongjiu said: "Of course not, of course there is money in the treasury, I just don't want to take money from the treasury to empty the treasury as soon as something happens, it would be great if Zhong Aiqing could find a way to raise food and wages. Of course, let's not mention the method of tax increase. Now the tax is heavy enough, and it has to be collected now. Xuanqing is a big country, and the order is passed on and then collected. I don't know when it will be delivered to the capital. slow."

When all are collected, it is estimated that the drought will pass, and then it will be of little significance.

Everyone immediately looked at each other in dismay. To raise food and salaries, the emperors of all dynasties had to increase taxes. This was the easiest way.

They can't think of a way to raise food without raising taxes.

I heard that His Majesty has a lot of royal estates and businesses in his hands. Could it be that he did not make much money for His Majesty this year?

Helian Rongjiu waited for a long time, seeing that they were all just talking to each other, without any substantive suggestions, he suddenly coughed lightly: "If there is nothing you can do, Ai Qing, I have a good solution."

Suo Cheng said: "Your Majesty, Wei Chen is all ears."

"It's just this method that requires the full support of all the Aiqings."

"Your Majesty, just say, if Wei Chen and others can help, we promise not to delay."

"If you have Prime Minister Suo's words, I will be relieved." Helian Rongjiu said, "The solution is that I will hold an auction."


Helian Rongjiu nodded: "Yes, I will provide some rare treasures, the queen mother and the princesses and princes will also provide some, and my friends will also provide some, and put them in the auction for everyone to bid."

After speaking, he saw the puzzled expression on the face of the people below, so he briefly explained the meaning of the auction that Murong Lingran told him, "That's it, after the court, I will order the auction to be held. The order, the location is in Tianhe Building, and the time is three days later, as long as the capital can get the money, whether it is an official or a merchant's family, they can participate. As long as the person who bids for the treasure, helps the court to get through this difficult time , I promise to keep it in my heart. When there is a chance in the future, I will repay them well."

As soon as the words fell, the courtiers were in an uproar, and the emperor came up with such a way to raise food and salaries without first arriving.

"How could Your Majesty think of such a solution?"

"I don't know, but this method is a good one."

"Indeed, there is no quicker way than to take food from the rich."

"And it's so fast, you can raise all the food and salaries in a day or two."

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