Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1676 God of Wealth

Of course, it did not directly say that the imperial court was to raise food and salaries, but only to prevent droughts and benefit the common people, so as not to make people feel that the national treasury had no money, and if it was spread to the frontiers, it would cause panic.

Needless to say, the family of officials, they still have to do things under the emperor's hands. Those who want to be promoted in the future, and those who don't want to offend the emperor, naturally all must participate.

The House of Merchants heard that it was organized by the imperial court. In order to be able to do business more conveniently in the future, even if they did not want to, they had to participate.

So three days later, although the weather was hot and there were very few people on the street, Tianhe Tower was busier than ever.

In the past three days, Tianhe Building has also been renovated. On each floor above the second floor, partitions and curtains have been added, and some extremely valuable people have been invited in, so as not to give them to those businessmen. Create pressure, fear of offending people, so that they do not dare to bid.

Although this move is a bit cryptic, it is better than nothing, mainly to give some people some psychological comfort.

Of course, most of the officials with high status would not participate in the auction in person, and they all sent their servants to go there, but there were also some officials with small positions who sat down in person.

Anyway, when bidding, only the pre-registered number is recognized, one number corresponds to one person, and you press your handprint, whichever you like, just raise your placard and bid.

And Tianhelou is worthy of being the largest restaurant in the capital. Although the weather is hot, they can actually bring out ice cubes.

There were too many people gathered and the temperature was extremely high. In order to avoid heatstroke among the dignitaries, a large ice block was placed at intervals on the first floor.

The guests in the box are more honorable, and a large block of ice is placed in each room to allow them to watch more comfortably.

Shopkeeper Jia was invited to be today's auctioneer. Although he had never done it before, after listening to Murong Lingran briefly explain the process, he still felt that it was quite simple, so he readily agreed.

At this moment, Murong Lingran and Helian Rongjiu were in the box with the best view on the second floor, looking at the servants who had been busy serving the crowd, they couldn't help but sigh: "As expected of the Tianhe Building, you can actually hold it. So many ice cubes are produced, and the outside is really one sky and one underground. If those poor people in the village knew about it, they don't know what to think. "

Helian Rongjiu said: "It's not impossible, these people are used to being pampered, and it must be the same at home on weekdays. Although many of them have fat heads and big ears, they are not very useful, and their bodies are too weak. Very, if they are not careful, they will suffer from heat stroke. There are many people here, and the weather is hot. If they get sick, my food and wages will be in trouble."

Murong raised his eyebrows Lingran: "You're right, these people are the God of Wealth. In order to make them willing to give out money, they naturally have to serve them well."

The two talked for a while, and after a while, they heard people say that everything was ready, so they told them to get ready to start.

Seeing that the first treasure was brought up and placed on the table, shopkeeper Jia immediately coughed lightly, looked around at the people present seriously, and said sternly: "Everyone be quiet, now the first treasure has arrived, please everyone. Listen to an introduction to it."

Along with the baby came up Liu Jiahuai, Murong Lingran knew that he was good at eloquence and kung fu.

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