Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1679 Herbs? Fairy grass?

Murong Ling suddenly realized: "It turns out to be him, no wonder."

After saying something, she suddenly thought of something, and she looked at Helian Rongjiu with a surprised expression. He didn't expect to be more careful than her, and he actually arranged for him to go in and deliberately raise the price.

Otherwise, the painting just now was sold for 5,000 taels, and when he mixed it up like this, the price doubled.

She had also thought about prompting him to arrange for him to be entrusted in, but she was afraid that she would not be able to do it well and accidentally expose it, which would affect the majesty of the court, so she did not propose it, but she did not expect that he was not afraid at all.

Murong raised an eyebrow and said, "Your people are really bold, so you're not afraid of falling into your own hands?"

Helian Rongjiu slammed out the folding fan and said confidently: "Of course not afraid, otherwise why do you think I set the date today? Why did the auction item have been prepared when it was announced, and it was delayed for three days?"

Murong Lingran frowned and thought for a while, then widened his eyes suddenly, and said in a low voice, "You asked your people to find out the likes and appearances of those wealthy people in the capital, and then let them memorize information about them, Those people know by heart what they can buy, what they like, what they must get."

"That's the same person just now. Zeyu must have been very familiar with the preferences of the No. 5 customers. Knowing that he is bound to win today, and that he has the money to pay 10,000 taels, he raised the price?"

In this way, among the people below, there must be many people from Xuanwuwei.

First, to prevent emergencies, there are assassins or something. After all, Tianhelou is so pompous today, if someone wants to take a pot, Xuan Qingguo will definitely lose a lot.

Second, it is to raise the price.

Helian Rongjiu smiled lightly and said, "It's quite smart."

Murong snorted coldly, "Of course."

No wonder the late emperor had so many sons, but he passed the throne to him. He was really resourceful, no, it was scheming.

If the people below knew that their emperor was plotting against them, they would be happy or furious.

While they were talking, another treasure was sold below, and the price was 6,000 taels. Now it was Murong Lingran's turn to provide a treasure.

Everyone looked expectantly at the treasures they were serving. When Liu Jiahuai lifted the red cloth and saw that it was just a pot of grass, there was an uproar.

"What are you doing, I thought it was something, it turned out to be a pot of grass? What kind of treasure is this?"

"Speak carefully, today is an auction organized by the imperial court, and none of the auctioned ones are of ordinary quality. That pot of grass must be extremely precious. Maybe it is some precious medicinal herb that can save lives."

The man's expression suddenly became serious, "You are right, I was abrupt, and the court will definitely not fool us with ordinary things."

Liu Jiahuai naturally heard the man's words, and quickly explained in a loud voice: "This fourth treasure was provided by a friend of His Majesty. Don't think that this grass is inconspicuous, it looks very ordinary, but he can Help. I believe that among the people present, there are also those who specialize in the business of medicinal materials. You should have heard of Ming Yucao, right?"

Ming Yucao?

Some people looked puzzled, what kind of grass is Ming Yucao? Herbs? Fairy grass?

The other part of the people had obviously heard of it, and their faces suddenly showed shock.

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