Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1693 One thing

Gu Daxing said: "The year before last, I was outside the city. I came to the city with my sister on my back. I met a robber on the way. I met him at that time."

"I still remember that when I fell to the ground and everyone was rushing to escape, only he came to help me and my sister, and we didn't let us be trampled to death."

"From childhood to adulthood, apart from my parents, few people treated me well, so I was particularly impressed by him."

Murong said: "Then do you know where he is now?"

Gu Daxing shook his head: "I don't know, after my sister and I were lifted up by him, we hid with him for a while from the robber. When the robber left, I took my sister out with him. I asked him if he would like to follow me into the city. The safest place, he said his family must be looking for him, he's going to his family."

"When he was leaving, he told me that his name was Xiao Wu, and he separated from me. I don't know where he went after that."

Murong frowned: "The last time you saw him was he who said he was going to find his family? Didn't he come to the city?"


"You really didn't lie to me?"

Helian Rongjiu also said, "If you lie to us, we will send you and your sister to the prison."

Gu Daxing was in a hurry and was about to speak when he suddenly thought of something and said something.

When their younger brother told him about this, he said that only he and his elder sister knew.

Their younger brother said that if he met his elder sister, he would tell her to prove that their younger brother was safe.

Murong Ling was stunned for a moment, it was really Xiao Wu.

Helian Rongjiu asked, "Is what he said true?"

Murong nodded Lingran, turned to look at Gu Daxing, and said weakly, "Thank you for letting me know about my brother, hurry up and see a doctor, it's not good for your sister to delay for a long time."

It is useless to know that that person is the fifth brother. It has been more than two years, and people still don't know where they have gone.

However, it can be regarded as clever, and when he sees a robber, he will hide.

Even with a good heart, at such a critical moment, he still wanted to pull someone else.

Seeing her disappointment, Gu Daxing wanted to comfort her a little more, but thinking that his sister was still waiting for him, he had no choice but to nod: "Yes, thank you sister, sister, I forgot to ask just now, where do you live? I will definitely repay later. you."

Murong Lingran smiled helplessly: "Okay, you don't need to say anything about repaying, let's talk about it when your sister gets better."

After he finished speaking, he walked towards the Tianhe Building.

Gu Daxing saw that the two of them were gone, and knew that they might not care about the five taels of silver, and he didn't care about helping him. Right now, his sister was indeed more important, so he had to go home temporarily.

Helian Rongjiu and Murong Lingran returned to the private room again, Princess Ningxin said in surprise: "Aran, what's wrong with you? Why are you looking listless? Didn't you see your fifth brother? What about others? "

She also knew more or less about the Murong family during this time.

Helian Rongjiu whispered what happened just now.

Princess Ningxin said with relief: "Aran, this matter can't be rushed, you have to relax, didn't that person say it? They came out after all the robbers left, which means that he is still alive. I don't know where it is now."

"It's okay for your sixth brother to be younger than him, and your fifth brother to be smart, and it'll be fine."

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