Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1707 Panic

Helian Rongjiu said: "Then you shouldn't be against Zhenyang either, the water at home is not enough, you just write a letter, you have been an official for many years, you should not be ignorant of this truth. Unless your reason is false, you are worried about me If you send someone to check on your house, you will find that what you said is a lie, and then it will be the crime of deceiving the king!"

When Lu Shulang saw that the emperor had guessed what he was thinking, he hurriedly lay on the ground and said with an extremely humble expression: "Weichen knows that he is wrong, and I ask Your Majesty to forgive me. Revocation of the order to request household registration documents, please calm down Your Majesty."

Helian Rongjiu said, "Since you are convicted of the crime, that's fine. I will punish you with an annual salary and a three-month ban. Do you have any opinions?"

How dare he have an opinion?

He can guarantee that if he says half a word of opinion now, it will definitely not end well.

Lu Shulang said quickly: "The guilty minister is punished. Thank you Your Majesty for lightly forgiving the guilty minister. The guilty minister will definitely reform his ways in the future, and he will never make his own decisions without angering Your Majesty."

Helian Rongjiu said: "I hope you can do what you say, get out."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

And as soon as Lu Shulang returned to his room, the housekeeper rushed over and said, "Master, Miss has sent someone to send a letter again, and he asked you to think of a way to see if you can let her out. She is imprisoned every day in the The courtyard is going crazy now. The most important thing is that Liu Yuan will not let her see her son anymore, she really wants to see his son. "

Lu Shulang was reprimanded by the emperor, and he was in a bad mood. Hearing that his sister came to trouble him again, he immediately said angrily: "What can I do? Who asked her to do those things by herself? Just do it. , was actually arrested. I told her a long time ago, don't underestimate her son-in-law's family, she didn't listen, and she deserved it. "

"She used the people in my house to implicate me and was humiliated by Liu Yuan. I haven't asked her to settle the account, and now I still want me to help her, there is nothing so good in the world! I'm so upset, let her be honest with me recently. Don't come to me either."

He has also been punished by His Majesty, and he still wants to find someone to help him go to His Majesty to intercede for him and help him cancel the one-year penalty. How can he be in the mood to care about others now!

The housekeeper also saw at this time that his master had no time to take care of this matter, and said, "Then the slave will return to the lady's person according to the master's wishes?"

Lu Shulang waved his hand: "Go."

"Yes, sir."

The next day, Murong Lingran was eating breakfast with her family. Seeing her father's face was a little dignified, she asked suspiciously, "Father, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Seeing that his emotions were seen by his daughter, Murong Zhe hurriedly said, "It's okay, it's just that when you were away for the past two days, I went to see your little grandfather and said that business has been bad recently. I saw him yesterday, like Like ten years old, I feel sorry for him."

Murong raised an eyebrow, the city might not be short of water for the time being, but the drought will definitely cause some panic, and most people will save money.

The small grandfather's breakfast restaurant is aimed at ordinary people, and it is extremely normal that there is no business now.

Murong Lingran said: "Father, let the little grandfather relax, this is a natural disaster, it is understandable for the people in the city to squeeze their purses tightly. Let them close the shop for a few months, come and work in our home, I can pay the wages."

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