Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1718 Death of Thirsty Ghost Reincarnated

The rest of the Murong family are now in the field, or in the academy. If you go to call them back now, a few people will definitely make a scene, so they won't be notified.

But after all, it's a new house. Whether it's a child's house or a utility room, there are not many things, and the house is easy to vacate.

Hu Hexiang let the three girls squeeze into one room, plus the utility room at home, so just three rooms were vacated.

Although she prefers sons over daughters, she is her own granddaughter after all, and she doesn't want outsiders to harm their clothes or anything, so she helped move the two girls' clothes to another girl's house.

And when Hu Hexiang was moving the clothes, seeing the envious expressions on the faces of the girls in the Fan family, her face suddenly became more proud, and her heart was even more fortunate.

Fortunately, she moved things out, otherwise it would definitely be cheaper for outsiders to go.

And after they tidied up the house, Murong Cai and Murong Kuan also brought the flour over.

The old ladies on both sides didn't want to let outsiders take advantage of them. As soon as they were delivered, they immediately moved the flour to their own kitchens, for fear that others would steal theirs.

Seeing that they had made the bed and drank a lot of water from their own water tank, Hu Hexiang looked at her own water tank, and the water level that her grandson had filled in the morning was a little lower, and she was suddenly depressed.

Drink water as soon as you arrive. In the past life, a ghost who died of thirst was reincarnated, so you can drink it!

Seeing that they were full and were about to go back to the house to rest, Hu Hexiang immediately coughed lightly.

All the Fan family turned to look at her.

Hu Hexiang said with a yin and yang expression: "Hey, you are here to be a master, a master, a master, a wife, and a lady? My aunt is old, and I am of the same age as me, and my body and bones are not comparable to that of a young man, so I won't say anything. You guys. Young, are you planning to rest? It's not even noon on this day? Even if you want to go back to the house to whisper, it's too early, right?"

The little ones didn't understand what she meant, but Fan Xingchang, Fan Hechang and their daughters-in-law understood it.

Whisper, a family squeezed into a room, what can you say in a whisper?

Thinking of Li Zheng's promise to them to live in Lihua Village, the four looked at each other and nodded helplessly.

Fan Xingchang said: "Little aunt, if you have anything to do, please tell me. As long as we can do it, we can't help but define it."

His wife Yao Shi also said, "Yes, little aunt, just tell me."

Fan Hechang and his wife Li also echoed, "Yeah, if you don't say it, we don't know what to do."

Murong Yang wanted to persuade his wife, but thinking that the water was really hard to come by, he went with her and sat on the side to rest, planning to cool off and go to the field.

Hu Hexiang snorted coldly: "I don't know what to do? The water you drank just now was filled by my grandchildren who got up early in the morning and went back and forth to the well several times. You drank so much at once. What do you say you should do now?"

"You also have a water tank in the kitchen. From now on, you are not allowed to use the water from our side or the one in the yard. Go and fetch water for cleaning and fetch water yourself."

"Of course, before filling your house, you must fill our house first, but you agreed to help our house with the work."

If he wants his beloved grandson to draw water to serve their family, just dream.

Murong Ju obviously did not expect that her younger siblings could not wait so much, that she would ask them to do the work as soon as they came, without giving them any face.

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