Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1722 cruel to both sides

Yao sighed, "If only we hadn't been kicked out last year."

Li also said, "Yeah, otherwise we wouldn't have fled twice because of the drought. We became refugees twice in two years. No one is more unlucky than us."

Yao shi added: "I also heard that the future academy has not been affected, and the Master is still teaching as normal every day. It would be great if our children could also go to study there. I heard that they can still live in the academy. Nor will they suffer with us now, with a few people sharing a bed."

Li said: "If you want to blame, we can only blame our mother-in-law for offending Wen Ruilang last year. Otherwise, our children will definitely have a chance to enroll in school. How can they be reduced to the point where they don't even dare to ask."

"Yeah." Yao Shi said, "I heard that several of my uncle's children are studying in the academy, but we envy our children to death."

As soon as she finished speaking, Murong Ju suddenly appeared at the door and let out a light cough.

Everyone in the kitchen saw it and immediately stopped talking.

If they complain again, she will say later, why didn't she know how to stop her last year? It's not that she wants an old lady to rush ahead and get some benefits.

Murong Ju snorted: "Don't dare to gossip about my old wife behind my back, be careful that I divorce you for my son and make you all die of thirst!"

Yao's and Li's faces turned pale, and their hands moved faster.

Three days later, Murong Lingran went to the city again to see Gu Daxing and his sister Gu Xiaoling, and by the way to see how He Wenyi and the others were doing.

The yard rented by He Wenyi also has a well. She also visited it some time ago, and there is a lot of water in the well.

After arriving, she saw that the water level in the well was still high enough for them to live for a long time, so she felt relieved and brought the Gu Daxing brothers and sisters home.

Of course, the school has been open for some time. When the school started, she also asked Shitou and the others if they would like to study in the future academy. After all, they were all the right ages.

It was just that He Wenyi was busy with his work at that time, and they were also very interested in woodworking. They wished that they could learn all of He Wenyi's crafts, so that they could support themselves when they grew up and repay He Wenyi, but they couldn't say anything.

Now that He Wenyi's business is more leisurely, she asked again.

It's just that the answer is the same as the last time, and He Wenyi said that he has also read books and can teach them simple literacy. Now that he is free, he can teach them.

Murong Lingran also knew that they had developed feelings for each other, and it was cruel to both parties to let them separate like this.

I had to tell them that if they wanted to go to the Future Academy, they could tell her at any time.

Anyway, the biggest stone is only ten years old this year, and they have no ambition to take the imperial examination, so it is okay to delay for some time.

At the same time, they also told them that if life in the city was difficult, they could go back to Lihua Village to find her, and she would arrange accommodation for them.

At this time, the two Gu Daxing brothers and sisters followed Murong Lingran through the front yard of Murong's house, and soon reached the main room.

Seeing that there were a lot of people inside, the two became even more nervous.

Especially Gu Daxing's younger sister, Gu Xiaoling, seeing so many raw faces, has been hiding behind her brother, nervously

Look at the crowd.

Murong Zhe looked at the two and said, "You are divided into Gu Daxing and Gu Xiaoling?"

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