Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1729 Letter

When the man saw Zeyu staring at him like he was looking at a dead man, he immediately shivered, his body involuntarily took a few steps back, and he instantly calmed down.

Seeing this, the others didn't dare to do anything else, they could only watch the pregnant woman drinking the water they dreamed of.

As for Helian Rongjiu, they didn't even dare to look at him.

Although they hadn't read much, they also knew that being able to order so many well-trained people and say words like beheading people with ease must be a high official they couldn't afford to offend.

After a while, the pregnant woman woke up, saw a water bag next to her mouth, and started drinking.

Murong Lingran didn't get angry when she saw this, and glanced at the other fainted people, all of them wearing black clothes handed over water bags, then she returned to Helian Rongjiu's side at ease, and said in a low voice, "So How about a lot of people, what are you going to do now?"

Helian Rongjiu looked at her meaningfully and said, "Is there really a lot of water in Lihua Village?"

Murong Lingran saw the look in his eyes that saw through her heart, her heart froze for a while, but she said calmly: "At present, it seems to be enough for the entire Lihua Village, but if you add a few hundred more people, I don't know if it's enough."

Helian Rongjiu raised her eyebrows and said, "Even you are not sure?"

Murong was stunned for a moment, how could this person ask her like this?

Does he know that she fills the water in Lihua Village every night?

No, how could he know?

No matter how he thought about it, he never thought that she had a space for water to use.

Just now, his people didn't suddenly appear in Lihua Village, and he also appeared when people from other villages came, indicating that he had already sent people to pay attention to the situation in Lihua Village.

Could it be that his people saw her go to the well in the middle of the night?

No, not possible.

Every time she goes out, she confirms with Changqi Shenjun that there is no one around, and it is impossible for his people to see her.

After thinking about it clearly, Murong Lingran said calmly: "Of course, I'm not God, I'm definitely not sure."

Helian Rongjiu said sternly, "Girl, can you help me with one thing?"

Murong asked, "What's the matter?"

Helian Rongjiu gave her the letter he had prepared.

This was prepared before he came.

In the surrounding villages, not only Linshan Village does not have enough water to drink, but other villages that do not have water but do not know that Lihua Village has water, the primary target will definitely be the city.

Since these people have already arrived here, there is no need to let them run around. As long as conditions permit, they can be placed on the spot.

Moreover, the fact that there is no shortage of water in Lihua Village will spread to the surrounding area sooner or later, and there will definitely be more and more refugees who come to seek refuge, which will definitely have a great impact on the villagers. To prevent those people from doing anything wrong on impulse, harming others and harming themselves.

After Murong Lingran read it, she glared at Helian Rongjiu.

She knew that there would be no good thing for this person to appear.

Helian Rongjiu didn't get angry when she glared at her, she just glanced at her helplessly, the meaning in his eyes was obvious, he couldn't do anything about it, so many people went to the city, the city would be chaotic, it would cause panic .

If they were extremely hungry and passed by other people's houses, they might even commit murder, looting and torture.

Murong Lingran obviously also thought of the consequences of not taking them in at Lihua Village.

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