Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1732 squashed

As soon as the man's voice fell, he was immediately stunned: "What nonsense are you talking about, do it for a few more months, how long do you think the drought will be this year? At that time, if there is no water to drink in Lihua Village, we are also dead. one."

"Yes, yes, yes, I said the wrong thing. Fifty wen a day, even if you work for ten days and a half months, is comparable to going to the city to work as a coolie for a month."

"Yes, yes."

Seeing this, Murong Lingran said again: "Everyone, don't waste your time. Since you have no opinion, then you must abide by what I just said."

"These people in Xuanyi are all good in their skills. You have all seen it. During this period, you will all be controlled by them. You should also know how powerful they are. It is best not to have any crooked thoughts."

"Now, if you don't have an opinion, you will immediately cut down trees to make a fence. If you have an opinion, you will leave immediately. We are not reluctant."

"At the same time, we will also prepare water for you to drink, but when you cut down the tree for a round, you will have water to drink."

Zhuang Qing said, "Come with me if you want."

After speaking, he led a group of people to the direction of Wuming Mountain.

They had just heard that a large group of people from the Outer Village were coming, and everyone took a machete for self-defense, which was a good time saver.

When the refugees saw this, most of the able-bodied people immediately followed.

They all want to drink water, cut back early, and rest early.

Helian Rongjiu glanced at Zeyu, Zeyu understood and made a gesture, half of the people followed up the mountain, and the other half continued to stay where they were, taking care of the rest.

Although those people are very weak and not to be afraid of, they are still careful.

Murong Lingran saw that all the people who were left behind were old and weak women and children, and asked Zeyu to send a few people to her house, and put a few buckets of water in a carriage to quench everyone's thirst. After they all drank the water, they talked to Helian. Rongjiu left the space.

Li Zheng is staying to help, such as registering the roster or something.

The first thing Helian Rongjiu did when he returned to Murong's house was to see what happened to the well in Murong Lingran's house.

At this time, no one was fetching water, and he went to see it just fine.

Seeing that it was still full, even more than every well in the palace, I couldn't help but sigh: "Not bad, with all this water, you have no problems in your recent days. You have been worried a lot recently. Only you here can make me feel at ease."

Murong smiled and said: "Of course, this place is a treasure land of feng shui, a treasure land that is favored by gods."

Seeing her so proud, Helian Rongjiu smiled helplessly, just as she was about to speak, suddenly her eyes darkened and her body fell straight forward.

Seeing this, Murong Lingran, who happened to be standing in front of him, hurriedly wanted to support him.

It's just that her small body can bear the tall and big man. As soon as the bodies of the two sides touched, Murong Lingran was crushed to the ground.


Murong Lingran: "..."

She will never call him the emperor's child again. This person's body is too heavy, not small at all, she will be crushed.

Ze Yuan and Ze Qu in the distance heard Murong Lingran's screams and ran over immediately. Seeing the two of them like this, they hurriedly helped their master up from her.

Murong Lingran stood up quickly, seeing Helian Rongjiu lying weakly on Ze Yuan's body and squatting beside him again, and asked with concern, "What happened to him? Why did he suddenly faint? Is it heatstroke? Now, I have medicine here."

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