Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1776 Building a Factory

Murong Xuan recalled what he had just heard, and immediately understood.

"Second brother, can you make up your mind now?"

Murong Xuan nodded: "Well, I understand what I should do."

Murong Lingran smiled and said: "Then I'm waiting for the second brother's wedding wine. But you really have to hurry up. I've heard people say in the past few days that the threshold of Miss Ruan Youyi's house was broken by the matchmaker. The men who are waiting to marry her can line up at the gate of the city, but she has not let go, if you are one step behind, she will probably become someone else's daughter-in-law."

Hearing this, Murong Xuan's expression froze, he touched his sister's head, turned around and went to find his mother.

I hope Ruan Youyi will agree.

Xiao Manan was embroidering in the room, and he was not surprised when his son said that he had a crush on Ruan Youyi.

It's just that Ruan Youyi looked at her son that day, probably because of her parents' orders. It is still a question whether she likes her son or not.

She could only tell her son that she would go to Mrs. Wei to find out what the woman said.

Murong Xuan also knew that he was just wishful thinking now, not sure whether others liked him or not, not disappointed, just nodded.

Fortunately, the two may really be a natural pair, and Mrs. Wei sent a message within a few days, saying that Ruan Youyi was also willing.

The marriage of the two was settled.

After Murong Zhe found out, he was indeed worried that others would mistakenly think that he wanted to marry the Ruan Mansion in order to clear his name.

But the son likes each other, and he can't say anything. He can't sacrifice his son's happiness because of other people's eyes and opinions. Then he will be a sinner in their family.

Murong Xuan also breathed a sigh of relief after knowing that Dad didn't mind.

Since both of them are in love with each other, there is no need to waste too much time. The two married within a few days.

Both want more time to prepare, one side is thinking more time to prepare the dowry, the other side is thinking more time to prepare the bride price, so they chose the date of marriage to be three months later.

After Murong Xuan's marriage was settled, Murong Lingran started to work on the newly purchased land.

When Murong Zhe knew that his daughter had bought hundreds of acres of land, there was not much surprise in his eyes, but he just asked curiously, "Aran, do you plan to use all this land to grow things?"

Murong Lingran said, "I do plan to plant some of the land, including high-yield grain and rice. I will also sell grain in the future, and I plan to build some of the land."


Murong nodded: "That's right, Dad, you don't know. During this period of time, the dried meats and candies that I was experimenting with at Zhiyuzhai were very popular, but because of the limited manpower, there were not enough to sell every day. So I plan to expand production, build a few factories, and hire some people to help me."

And the cake shop she has been thinking about all the time, if she can, she also wants to start putting it on the agenda.


"Yes, candy maker, jerky maker, dessert maker, and wine maker, just these four for the time being, and I'll add the others when I think of them."

Anyway, she plans to build a bigger factory, and it will be concentrated in one place. If you want to add anything in the future, just add it directly.

She had thought about this incident during the drought, but then she kept thinking about how to fill the well every day without finding trouble, so she forgot it for a while, and it was not until someone from Linshan Village came to her that she remembered it again.

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