Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1786 Half-sized boy, eat poor Laozi

Fan Hechang also said: "Auntie, Aran is indeed tolerant enough, as she is now Chunling Township Lord, she can completely ignore us poor relatives, but she still helped us, we should be content. already."

Seeing the two sons say this, Murong Ju can't say anything else.

She was still a little reluctant to let the three grandchildren who had never left her side stay in Lihua Village and live their own lives, and looked at Murong Yang with a pleading expression: "Second brother, the three of them are in Lihua. Village, you have to take care of them more."

Hu Hexiang knew that there were still many tents in the open space, and there were also many people from Linshan Village, and was about to ask the three of them to live there when Murong Yang said generously: "Don't worry, they are three and a half old. Children, it won't cause us any trouble, and I will take good care of them in the future."

After all, the three were his relatives, and their temperaments were completely different from those of Murong Ju's mother and son, so there was no harm in helping.

The family has planted high-yield grains this year, and they have had a bumper harvest.

Murong Ju was instantly overjoyed: "Thank you second brother, then I'll have to work for you."

Hu Hexiang glared at her husband in dissatisfaction, and she actually took everything on her body, but Murong Yang didn't even look at her, and she was instantly mad at herself.

Half the size, eat the poor old man.

Three children, I still don't know how much to eat at home.

No, she can't let the children keep them in vain.

Moreover, the three children were young and energetic. If they fell ill or did something wrong, would they still need to clean up the mess?

Seeing what Hu Hexiang was thinking, Mrs. Yao took the initiative to say, "Second aunt, don't worry, the children will not be free to eat and live at home, and they will take the initiative to help the family when they come back from work."

Li also said: "Yes, they can do the work of carrying water and chopping wood, and we will let them be honest and not cause trouble for you, just ask you to give them a hot meal to eat, a few children are here. The family is spoiled by us and can't even cook."

Still working?

Are people honest?

Judging from the contacts during this period, Murong Ju's grandchildren are not annoying.

Hu Hexiang felt a little better when she heard the words, and said in a light tone: "Since you have to work, it's easy to say, it's just a meal, I can still give it."

The family has only harvested so much rice, and there are only three more people, and he can afford it.

Three laborers only need to give them three meals a day, which is much more cost-effective than going out to hire people to work.

Seeing Hu Hexiang agree, everyone in the Fan family breathed a sigh of relief.

"But..." Hu Hexiang changed her voice and said again: "If this child has a headache, I can't control it. If he gets sick, I will try my best to hire a doctor for them, but if there is any accident, you guys You can't blame my family."

Who do you blame?

Murong Ju was about to speak when she saw Fan Xingchang speak: "Aunt, that's for sure, they are not too young, they will take care of themselves, but if they say that they are not feeling well, you can spare some of their work. , and give them a good rest."

Hu Hexiang said, "That's natural, and I'm not mean."

The two families agreed that there was still room in Linshan Village waiting for the Fan family to go back and clean up.

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