Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1811 The clan of Lord Ning'an?

Before Murong Lingran could speak, a woman came quickly from behind the man and said apologetically, "I'm sorry everyone, this is my daughter, thirteen years old this year, and spoiled by me. Please don't get to know her in general."

Murong said: "It's okay not to have the same knowledge as her, but what I want to know is, why is your daughter so hostile to our family? We should have never met, right? Where does her hostility come from?"

The woman smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, I don't know that either."

The girl said contemptuously, "Mother, I just came here to ask them a question, and I just had a few words with them. I didn't scold or hit anyone. What are you apologizing for? Really, it's like I did something like this. It's a big mistake."

"Murong Wei!" the woman said angrily, "Are you going to disobey me on this occasion?"

Murong frowned, Murong Wei?

Someone with the same surname as her, Murong, shouldn't be a clan of the Marquis of Ning'an, right?

I have long heard that the relationship between Lord Ning'an and the clan is not very good. Is it because Zhi Ye Zhai and Lord Ning'an are too close, so these people are so hostile to their family?

No, the Marquis of Ning'an alone is more than ten thousand people, and his clansmen are too late to please him, how could he rush to offend them.

So where did this girl's hostility come from?

"I see, don't be angry, I just want to know if they are the Wen Ruilang family. When I asked you just now, you didn't tell me directly, so I had to ask myself."

The woman said helplessly: "Everyone, I'm sorry, my daughter is just very curious about Zhiye Zhai's vegetables and fruits, so she came to ask you specifically. We still have something to do, so I won't bother you."

After that, I wanted to leave with my daughter.

But as soon as they turned their heads, they saw the Marquis of Ning An behind them, looking at them with a gloomy expression.

The two of them suddenly froze in their hearts.

The Marquis of Ning'an frowned and said, "Sister Yin, what are you doing with the Azhe family?"

Murong Wei no longer had the domineering arrogance she had just now, lowered her head and dared not speak.

The Ash family?

This title is too close.

Yin said: "Uncle Tang, don't be angry, it's just that Xiaowei was curious and asked them a question. Now that it has been confirmed, I'm about to leave with Xiaowei."

Murong raised an eyebrow, cousin? Could it be someone from Hou Ye's cousin's house? Is Murong Wei also Hou Ye's grandniece?

Yin's husband seemed to have been paying attention to this side. Seeing this, he hurried over and said respectfully, "Uncle Tang, I'm sorry, it's because I didn't discipline my wife and daughter well and made them upset you, I'll take them away now. ."

After he finished speaking, he glared at his daughter fiercely: "I don't care if you are willful in normal times, but you are so ignorant on this occasion today. Do you want the whole family to bury you with peace of mind?"

Seeing her father coming, Murong Wei became a little bolder, and pouted in disdain: "I didn't do anything, just asked if they were Wen Ruilang's family."

Murong Lingran said deliberately: "I only asked one question, but the attitude is like we owe you money."

Murong Wei suddenly looked at Murong Lingran sullenly.

Murong Lingran also looked straight into her eyes, and there was no fear in her eyes.

It's a joke, she, a village lord with a gold medal, would be afraid of an ordinary minister's daughter?

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