Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1813 Reward

She had also been called by Murong Zhe before, and among the people present, only their family members had relatively unfamiliar faces, which made it easy for her to find Murong Lingran.

The queen mother gave her daughter a wink.

Princess Ningxin glanced at her mother's eyes and knew what she was thinking, and nodded helplessly.

It's her, it's her.

The queen mother was instantly overjoyed. In order not to be rude, she sat upright and her eyes were looking straight ahead, but her eyes kept glancing in the direction of Murong Lingran intentionally or unintentionally.

This is the girl who grows high-yield food.

It's a little different from what she imagined. In her opinion, people who rely on farming for a living must often run outside. The skin should be darker, but I didn't expect her skin to look white and not lose at all. To other aristocratic ladies in the capital.

By the way, her mother has also lived in the capital for more than ten years, and she also grew up in the capital, and she is not a complete peasant.

He looks good and behaves well.

It's incredible that such a thin and weak child can actually grow high-yield food, revive Emperor Xuanhe's peony tree, and grow lychees, making Zhiye Zhai famous in the capital.

The queen mother was concentrating on whether to summon her alone later, when Helian Rongjiu suddenly picked up the wine, stood up, and said loudly: "Today's banquet, I don't need to tell you why everyone understands why it was held. I won't talk nonsense here. I'm here to respect the Marquis of Ning'an, General Rong, General Murong Zong, and the soldiers who are still at the border. Thank you for all your efforts for Xuanqing Kingdom and great success. Total victory."

After speaking, the three of them toasted a glass of wine.

General Fu originally came back happily, but unexpectedly something happened to his daughter.

He was originally injured on the battlefield, and after being summoned to the palace, the injury recurred when he returned, and it was difficult to even get up, so he did not attend today's banquet. Of course, he didn't have the face to attend.

The three also quickly stood up and quickly drank the wine in their glasses.

The Marquis of Ning'an said sternly: "Your Majesty is polite, it is my duty to protect the family and the country, and it is all right."

Helian Rongjiu said: "Okay, everyone's loyalty, I see it in my eyes, take advantage of today's happiness, Eunuch De, read the imperial edict."

Eunuch De nodded and took out the bright yellow scroll.

Everyone knelt down at the same time.

The content of the imperial decree is very simple. The Marquis of Ning'an will reward two hundred pieces of cloth, ten boxes of gold and silver jewelry, a thousand acres of fertile land, a thousand taels of gold, and one other courtyard.

General Rong and General Fu are similar, but General Fu's is less than that of the head coach.

Although General Fu's daughter did something wrong, but one yardage is one yardage, and what belongs to General Fu will still be given to him, and the soldiers who fought bloody battles must not be chilled.

Finally, it was Murong Zong's turn.

This was Murong Zong's first time on the battlefield, and Helian Rongjiu was very satisfied with his first time on the battlefield to achieve such a good result, and he finally lived up to his hopes.

But after all, he is not the head coach, and the reward cannot exceed the Marquis of Ning'an. At the beginning, he was also named a fifth-rank general in advance, so he rewarded 100 pieces of cloth, 5 boxes of gold and silver jewelry, 500 acres of fertile land, and 1,000 taels of gold. one.

As for the other soldiers, there are more or less rewards.

Murong Zong was surprised that he actually had a mansion in the city.

His family also looked at their son (brother) with pride.

Eunuch De smiled and said: "General Murong, hurry up and accept the order."

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