Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1916 rent a small courtyard

Originally thought she stole the child's buns and the children couldn't do anything to her, but I didn't expect that they suddenly came to help.

Seeing her silence, the man continued: "I think the person who should see a doctor the most is you, that kind of rich people, how can we offend."

The woman said: "Rich people? Rich people will send people to Ji Shitang?"

Seeing that she was obsessed, the man had to whisper a few words in her ear.

The woman was stunned and said, "Is what you said true? Is she really the one who sent Ye Zhai?"

The man said: "I can still lie to you, but I have seen her several times when I was helping the owner to buy things. Every time I was not looking at the account book or talking to the shopkeeper, who else could it be who was not Zhi Ye Zhai?"

The woman didn't dare to speak, and they knew about Ye Zhai's reputation. They didn't expect that she almost got into a big accident just now and almost went to the prison.

What happened here, Murong Lingran didn't know at all, she was busy checking He Wenyi's situation.

After a long while, Murong frowned and said, "Grandpa He, you are more seriously injured than I thought. It's not enough to just rely on stones and a few of them."

He Wenyi said: "It's okay, he takes good care of Shishi, but when it's convenient, you need an extra person. Ji Shitang has a guy who can help."

Shi Shi also said, "Sister Ran, don't worry, with so many of us, we can take good care of Grandpa He."

After thinking for a moment, Murong Lingran suddenly made up her mind: "Grandpa He, why don't you go back to Lihua Village. I will find someone to take care of you in Lihua Village."

Although she could find someone to take care of with Ji Shitang, but after all, Ji Shitang is not as good as Lihua Village, and there are still many inconveniences in some aspects.

Moreover, He Wenyi is here, and Shitou and the other five children will definitely stay here if they are worried. If they encounter someone like the woman just now, and she happens to be away, it will be troublesome.

This time the situation is different from the last time Gu Daxing's situation, there are too many children.

He Wenyi said: "Forget it, don't bother, it's good here, I'm an old man, and it's a burden to go to Lihua Village. Although it's a little expensive here, the doctor can check my situation at any time, and the stone can also make medicine. I'll be out of bed in a few days."

"I don't think you're a burden." Murong said, "People come and go here. Shitou and the others are still young. Staying here will inevitably be bullied, just like before. My father is also a doctor. Diseases such as internal injuries are also quite virtuous. Although his hands are inconvenient now, he can also dispense medicines. He used to be an imperial physician, and his medical skills are not bad. "

"This..." He Wenyi hesitated for a moment, this is really not the place where children should stay, after thinking for a moment, he had to compromise: "Okay, but I'm gone, and Shishi and the others will naturally follow me. I also saved some money, why don't you help me rent a small courtyard in Lihua Village."

"I heard Li Zheng say that this year, many people in your Lihua Village have built blue brick houses, and most of them have kept their previous houses, and most of them are uninhabited. It should be easy to rent a yard. Now that the legs are done, I'll consider whether to build a house."

Murong Lingran originally wanted to invite them to live at home, but thought that now the family is not only their family, but also Liu Jianian and Ruan Youyi.

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