Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1988 Xiao Lishen from East China Sea

Unexpectedly, Helian Rongjiu smiled and said, "Let's go, he is also my subject, so you should care about the subjects."

Murong Lingran smiled suddenly.

The group followed behind the child, and after turning several corners, they stopped in front of a Yue Lao Temple.

There are also candles lit by men and women, so that people can clearly see the inside.

The child stood at the door and shouted inside, "Everyone, come out."

After a while, three children walked out from behind the stone statue of Yue Lao, all of them were boys, all of them only looked like six or seven years old. Seeing Murong Lingran and the others, they were all timid.

Judging by the way they dress, you know they're not doing well.

Everyone's body is tattered, their faces are dirty, and they are black and thin, and they look like beggars.

The clothes on their bodies are also single clothes that are only worn in the Spring and Autumn Period. Because they are torn, even the flesh on their bodies can be seen at this time.

Seeing the outsiders who suddenly appeared in the Yuelao Temple, they were all shivering with cold and fear.

Helian Rongjiu frowned, how could there be such a miserable child in the capital?

As early as the year before last, after Murong Lingran rescued Shitou and others, he sent someone to turn the city upside down to make sure that there were no children wandering outside.

Those with parents find their parents, and those without parents find them adopters.

But I didn't expect that in just two years, there would be homeless children in the city.

Murong frowned and said, "Aren't you all children from the capital? Why are you here?"

The child said: "Sister, my name is Xiao Lishen, we are indeed not children of the capital, we are all from Donghai Prefecture."

East China Sea?


No wonder she felt that the child's accent was very familiar, and it was very similar to the accent of the little grandpa's family.


Murong frowned, why is it so coincidental? A-Niang is also surnamed Xiao, and she was also born in Donghai Prefecture.

It's a pity that she didn't ask her about the situation of her mother's family, otherwise she would know whether the child is related to her.

No, A-Niang hasn't returned to Donghai Mansion for more than ten years. The child is only six or seven years old. Even if I ask her, she probably doesn't know who is in her family.

Murong Lingran looked at the other children again, "What are your names? How old are you this year?"

"My name is Li Linshan, I am seven years old this year."

"My name is Qian Lukang, I am seven years old this year."

"My name is Su Qianli, and I am seven years old this year."

Xiao Lishen also said: "I am also seven years old."

Murong nodded Lingran: "You can call me sister Ran, and the one next to you can call him the ninth brother. Now you tell me, you are from Donghai Prefecture, why are you in the capital?"

Thinking of what happened during this time, Xiao Lishen said with a frowning face: "We don't want to either, we were all tricked from Donghai Mansion, the people lying on the ground want to sell us, we don't want to be sold. , so I ran away when they weren't paying attention. Just now, I couldn't help but be curious. I went to see the lanterns, and I was discovered unexpectedly. "

After saying that, he glanced guiltily at his companions.

Helian Rongjiu asked, "Did you cheat? How did you cheat?"

Mentioning this, several children present blushed.

Xiao Lishen said with a blushing face: "Our family is not in good condition. Those people lied to us with delicious food. We were deceived by the food we had never eaten before."

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