Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2006 made a fortune by daughter and son-in-law

What county magistrate is this?

Xiao Zhengchun couldn't produce evidence, so did he just listen to the words of the Lao family? What do they say?

Murong Lingran asked, "It's hard? How hard is it?"

Da Lin said: "I know you want to ask, so I simply checked. When I went, the Xiao family was cooking, so I talked to the Xiao family and supported the Xiao family, while Er Lin went to the kitchen to have a look. I heard that what he eats is simple wild vegetable porridge, and there is no other food except porridge."

Xiao Manan's heart suddenly twitched. He didn't expect that his family's life would turn into eating wild vegetable porridge to survive.

Thinking of the money brought back by the trustee a few years ago, and what Xiao Lishen said about Xiao Gongshan's loss of money, he asked: "It's really because my father lost all his family property in the past two years, so the life at home is limited. Will it be so painful?"

Dalin nodded: "When the little boss asked us to go, he asked us to investigate. After the investigation, it was indeed Xiao Gongshan, the old man of the Xiao family, who became addicted to gambling two years ago. After entering, there are only two acres of thin fields left to live on.”

"Although the imperial court has already sent someone to say how high-yield grains can be planted together, high-yield grains have only been passed down this year, and have only become popular this year. High-yield wheat has also been sown, but it will not be harvested until next year."

Murong Lingran asked, "How did their family get deceived?"

Da Lindao: "Everyone in Dashi Village knows about this, and I know it if I ask. I heard that when Xiao Gongshan was on the street, he was dragged by the son of Dashi Village to the casino to play a few games. For a few days, Xiao Gongshan seemed to be possessed by the God of Wealth, winning every day."

"But from the fifth day, he didn't win. In just one hour, he lost all the money he won in the previous four days. In the end, he wanted to gamble on the family's fields and all the savings, and the result was all lost."

"Later he realized that all the money he won before was deliberately won by others, so that he gambled all his family property."

"Their family wants to go to Lizheng to settle accounts, but there are many people in the Lizheng family, and their Xiao family members are also very unaligned, and they can't fight Lizheng at all. Lizheng also said that if they make trouble again, they will be kicked out of Dashi Village. ."

"The Xiao family was worried about living on the streets, so they had to continue to live in Dashi Village."

Murong Lingran asked: "How was the Xiao family's life before the bet was lost?"

Da Lin said: "I also asked about this. Before the bet was lost, their family was doing well, even better than the life of the family in the village. The family has 30 acres of land and a lot of silver. Eating meat, although it can’t be said to wear gold and silver, but the life is prosperous. When the autumn harvest comes, their family does not have enough hands, and they can pay for the harvest, just like a small landlord.”

"That's right." Dalin said again: "I heard from the villagers in Dashi Village that they all rely on their daughters and sons-in-law to make their fortunes. If it weren't for their daughters, the sons of their family might not even be able to marry their daughters-in-law."

So you don't have to blame yourself too much in your heart. Your Murong family has already helped them, and they have a better life. It's just that the old man of their family is not serious even at his age. It hurt the whole family.

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