Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2052 Go to the mountain?

Seeing that everyone was staring at him, Xiao Gongshan also knew that he had said something wrong just now, and immediately touched his nose in embarrassment.

Seeing that Murong Lingran was also looking at him, his expression was a little uncomfortable.

But I didn't expect that my grandson and granddaughter were so capable that they actually rescued the boss.

People didn't care about him.

Mr. Chai stepped forward and hugged his man.

Their children hugged them too.

Mrs. Chai cried and said, "You finally came back. During this time, my children and I missed you very much. I thought you really had to be imprisoned for half a year before you could come back."

Xiao Zhengchun said: "I understand, now that I'm back, I'm fine."

Lin Cuiying also wept with joy, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said with a smile, "Okay, boss is tired too, please let him rest, boss, we have been giving you hot bath water, you go and wash, while In this kung fu, let's go make you something to eat."

Xiao Zhengchun let go of his wife and children and said, "No need, Aran has already invited me to eat in the county seat, and he has already taken a shower and changed his clothes."

Only then did the Xiao family notice that his clothes had changed, his face was clean, and his hair seemed to have been washed.

Xiao Zhengxia took out the buns brought back from the county, "Aran and the others also asked me to bring buns for the children, but it was not enough at first, so she went to have people buy a few more so that every child could eat them. ."

Xiao Gongshan glanced at the number of buns, frowned and said, "Look, I asked you to cook and let us eat and wait for him. As a result, he has already eaten."

When I bought buns, I didn't know if I would bring some for their adults, but at a glance, it was obvious that they were only for the children.

"Eat as soon as you eat." Lin Cuiying said, "Now that my son is back, it's not a waste of time."

After she finished speaking, she looked at her son: "Come in and get a good rest."

Xiao Zhengchun nodded, then looked at Murong Lingran's siblings, "Aran, Axuan, come in together."

Murong Lingran said: "No need, I still have to go to the mountain. Since my uncle has come back, I can rest assured and it's time to do my own business."

"Going to the mountain?" Xiao Zhengchun said, "What are you doing on the mountain?"

Murong Lingran didn't hide it from them, so he told about the medicine collection.

"Look at my memory, you said it in the city." Xiao Zhengchun touched his head embarrassedly and turned to look in one direction, "If you want to go, you'd better go to that mountain, that mountain. The herbs are more abundant, it is not as steep, and the carriage can also go in, it is not as hard.”

"Thank you uncle, I understand."

Xiao Zhengchun said: "Aran, let's sit down for a while, and uncle will accompany you in person later, okay?"

Others also begged her to stay.

"Aran, give your uncles a face."

"Give aunt a face too."

Murong Lingran looked at Xiao Gongshan and Lin Cuiying coldly, "But some people don't welcome us."

Xiao Gongshan knew that Murong Lingran was capable, and his tone was not so strong at this time, and said, "I didn't say that you were not welcome. Come in if you want, I have no objection."

Lin Cuiying also said, "Grandma doesn't object either. It's too late for grandma to be happy when you come in."

Murong Lingran was about to speak when a loud voice came from behind.

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