Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2064 It turns out that there is a gold medal

After thinking for a while, Xiao Zhengchun said solemnly, "We'll talk about this later."

Xiao Gongshan said: "Okay, then you must tell me later."

And Lao Jianwei didn't hide it when he saw his elder brother asking himself, and whispered a few words in his ear.

Laurie was shocked: "What are you saying is true?"

"There's no need for my son to lie to me. Your eldest son was there at the time, and he heard it too."

Laurie was looking at his son. "Did your cousins ​​really say that?"

Lao Sun Qian nodded: "Yes, they also said that even the prefect Zhou would kneel when he saw her, and he would give her face."

Lord Zhou is going to kneel?

Laurie was frowning.

Xiao Gongshan and Lin Cuiying's eyes suddenly lit up. Lord Zhou, the prefect, was going to kneel when he saw A Ran? Then her status must be very high.

Murong Lingran saw that Laurie was looking at him unwillingly, and smiled: "I kindly remind you that Hu Qibo has fallen, and I heard that you had a good relationship with him before, and they found it in his house. There are several ledgers, and even Lao Sun's bribes are written on the ledgers. You better pray that you have nothing to do with those ledgers, or wait for Lord Zhou to investigate them one by one. What you have done before will be forever. You can't hide it, it's time for your retribution!"

Laurie turned pale when he heard the words, clenched his fists, glared at Xiao Zhengchun, and quickly left the Xiao's courtyard.

Seeing this, Lao Jianwei could only leave.

He wanted to try his luck just now, thinking that Murong Lingran should have left after Xiao Zhengchun rescued him, but he didn't expect that she would come back.

Lao Jianwei's wife, Mrs Wu, said loudly, "Brother, head of the family, why did you guys leave?"

Lao Jianwei turned his head and said, "If you don't want to die, leave now."

Wu Shi and the other women saw that their faces were never more serious, so they glared at the Xiao family and followed them obediently.

Seeing this, Murong Lingran raised her eyebrows, thinking that they knew the current affairs!

After leaving the Xiao family, Mrs Wu said, "You can tell me clearly what the identity of the woman is? Are you so afraid of her?"

Laurie and Lao Jianwei looked at each other, and had no choice but to tell Murong Lingran's identity.

Wu shi said in surprise: "The county owner? That girl is the county owner?"

Lao Jianwei said: "Not only that, I heard from the boss that she still has a gold medal to avoid death in her hand, which is a gift from the royal family. Seeing the gold medal is like seeing the emperor. If she took it out just now, we would all kneel with her. If she dares not kneel, even if she kills us, she will be unscathed, and the emperor will not be able to cure her."

Laurie said righteously: "I heard the scholar said before that the person who won the gold medal for saving death, even if it is disrespectful to His Majesty and the Empress Dowager, can retreat completely, let alone ordinary people like us."

Wu Shi was stunned when she heard the words, and she said with lingering fears: "No wonder she was so arrogant just now. It turned out that she had a gold medal to protect her. But are we going to forget it today? My sons are still in prison."

Laurie said righteously: "That's what your son asked for himself. Who asked them to take the initiative to frame Xiao Zhengchun."

"Brother, why are you like this, why are you talking to outsiders?"

"Okay, I'm telling the truth. It's not easy to act rashly now. I always have a feeling that the county owner is about to attack me soon.

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